What is Education? And, What is schooling?
Me...अधि-इतः अधीतः , अधीयते meaning to know, to go through, to learn, to edit / edict, > अध्यापयति > अध्यापन, अध्यापक, अध्यापिका, means to teach ,
शाला > शालेय > school, schooling, shoal (a group of fish) scholar, This is how this word came into English. I had translated into Hindi a book "शिक्षा क्या है?" by J.Krishnamurti (Talks with Students : Varanasi 1954) which was published by Rajpal &Sons Kashmere Gate, Delhi. This contains 18 talks about "What is Education?"
Q...Yes, I have that book ...
Me... yes, Thanks. Because you asked, I felt like commenting, so that others too may know. Education is in fact knowing and facing 'Life' anew from moment to moment. without letting the mind caught into 'knowledge' and 'information' which hamper the natural awareness, freshness of perception. When we see life through 'thought' and memory, we stop 'learning'. We become stale, repetitive, but when we accept every new situation in a new way, we grow.
Q.... How enlightening ...
Me...This is what I learnt from J.Krishnamurti.
We are a new person with every passing moment... we gain knowledge about life , about ourselves and people around us , .
Q....Can we term it as experience too ? Is experience another name to education ...
Or what about schooling ... does schooling destroys person's own vision. ....
Me...Experience teaches us many things mostly of the technical kind. That has its utility. But when experience projects a psychological-time, we get caught into a groove. We start imagining 'I will do / be / gain / lose, this, this and this,' This traps the mind into the idea of oneself being a person in time and space. And this person, only the idea is further strengthened by experience'. So this is an endless chain. But once we understand that this 'person' is only a formal utility but not a Reality, we see 'experience' in true light. And never long for experience anymore. Neither good, nor bad, nor beautiful or ugly. As far as life matters one needs technical education, how to use machines, apps, devices, And like this 'thought', language also. This does not mean we should be a slave to them or glorify those things.
Q...Thanx ...
Me...I'am of the view that present way of education and schooling had greatly harmed the whole society all over the world. This system of 'educating' people is basically defective because education and teaching are basically communication and not inculcating 'thought' and 'ideals'. We should teach to students 'How to think', but till date we have taught and have been taught 'What to think?'. And that is the fundamental error in the whole present-day education-system all over the world. We are taught religion, which are but different sets of 'thoughts' and we keep comparing and contrasting them, The human mind has been thus so much split and fragmented and we are still following the same divisive pattern.