Tuesday, 1 November 2016

The life returns unto the Life,

Notes to oneself :
Waters return unto the Waters, fires return unto the Fires, airs return unto the Airs, thoughts return unto the Thought, earths return unto the Earth, 
And every death returns unto the Death itself.
Just like this, 
The life returns unto the Life,
And the individual returns unto the Supreme.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016


"Boredom can be interesting"
(Continued, ...;) )
There is a state of mind which, when experienced though nameless, is given this name 'Boredom', and we think we understood this phenomenon that we have named 'Boredom'. Obviously, as J.Krishnamurti has repeatedly said:
'The description is not the described'.
And that is the point, where we fail to see that the state 'Boredom' and the word 'Boredom' have nothing in common. While the word is uttered either aloud or in thought, the actual state of mind may not be that which one tries to express through this word.
As soon as the experience is experienced, it is replaced by the word. But if we don't hurry to name it, we can see an altogether different transformation in consciousness that happens on its own, without our attempt to bring in it.
If the attention is not identified with the word, it at once stands still. Its not a movement inward or outward, rather it is a movement in silence and awareness (of being).
If we miss this point, the attention soon gets lost in any other mental activity associated with thought and memory. For example, we find out an alternative, an option, there-by affirming and giving continuity to our-self (the ego?) which is also a false notion only that appears a 'real thing' like 'Boredom'.
A Friends' Comment :
"If the attention is not identified with the word, it at once stands still. Its not a movement inward or outward, rather it is a movement in silence and awareness (of being)." 
Thanks Prabhu I got the key of connection of sensitivity and consciousness.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Reminiscences : The Hill of Devi

The Hill of Devi 
Reminiscences :
btw, I went uphill today evening. There is a devi-temple (E.M.Forster : Hill of devi) I climbed a hundred and more steps, turned left, got down another hundred or so many steps and returned home. These days thousands of devotees daily visit those temples. I had first visited that temple when I was of 3 or years of age. Then again, when I was 16 years. And kept visiting for 3 years once in a month or 2. After 45 years I could again go there. And when I was 16, I used to see very small stone structures, those similar to the pic. above, which pilgrims used to make by the way to the temple. After these 45 years, still people bring small stone pieces and make such along the steps. I too had built so many 45 years ago.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Etymology : कुन्त / Count

कुन्त > kunta > spears कुन्तल > kuntala with spears > कौन्त > kaunta > those wielding spears कौन्तेय > kaunteya > कुन्तीपुत्र / कुन्तः sons of kuntī, the queen of Pandu / kuntīputra / kuntaḥ > country > A political state owned by a people with spears.> count > a dignitary > county > a part of a country.

Sunday, 18 September 2016


Walking through the incomprehensible and inexplicable states of mind, when the memory and the recognition of the world is left as if erased, and the identity of oneself in the world is also temporarily suspended, you are not lost. The different time-frames are but overlapping glass-panes that slide over one-another with no stable or fixed images in them. Though shadows and figures also keep changing with utmost harmony all the time, you just laugh at them, as if you have come across a Salvador Dali's painting...


Walking through the incomprehensible and inexplicable states of mind, when the memory and the recognition of the world is left as if erased, and the identity of oneself in the world is also temporarily suspended, you are not lost. The different time-frames are but overlapping glass-panes that slide over one-another with no stable or fixed images in them. Though shadows and figures also keep changing with utmost harmony all the time, you just laugh at them, as if you have come across a Salvador Dali's painting...

Wednesday, 14 September 2016


संस्कृत > saṃskṛta > √ग्रस् > √gras > to gobble, to chew / to cud > 
grass (noun) > to graze (verb),√चर् > √car > √चर्व > √carv > चरना > caranā >  पशुचर > paśucara > pasture / pastor, चबाना > cabānā > chaff, to chaff (cut the grass) √गॄ > निगरणे > gṛ > nigaraṇe 
> गृणं / गृणनं > gṛṇaṃ / gṛṇanaṃ > green .>  हृ > हरित > > hṛ > harita > hārita  > horti-(culture)

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Sanskrit connection

See what I discovered : 
A Sanskrit connection !
सं-अधि > समाधि > सेमेटरी > saṃ-adhi > samādhi > semeṭarī cemetery
उप-प्र-लः > उत्-प्र-लः> बफेलो > upa-pra-laḥ > ut-pra-laḥ> baphelo > buffalo > (क्रमेलकः > क्रमे-लकः> क्रमे-ल-कः > krame-lakaḥ> krame-la-kaḥ > camel
अष्टि शक्नो विन्द् , अष्टि शक्नो (विद्) > aṣṭi śakno vind, aṣṭi śakno (vid)
> Oceti Saknowin
> व्योम > vyoma
, व्योमिङ्ग, व्योमिङ्ग, > Vyoming, मन्थन > मोन्टाना, manthana
> मोन्टाना > Montana,
कन्स, kansa > Cansas
, सनदीयन् ,sanadīyan
, सनत्-ईयन् > sanat-īyan
> कैनडियन् > Canadian, and see at least half a dozen more such words which have a meaning in Sanskrit, but just now going through the text!!

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

The Beginning of 'Life'.

The Beginning of 'Life'
भू / जन् इन धातुओं से बने शब्द 'be' 'gen' संयुक्त होकर 'begin' का रूप ग्रहण किया । 
इसी प्रकार 'ली > लयति / लयते'  तथा .... इव > iva > if से  'live' / 'leaf' / 'leaves'/ 'leafs' बने ।  
लीय-इव > līya-iva > live, leave, > निमग्न, विलीनप्राय, that leaves form, that dissolves, alloy > of metals, aluminium, lay > allay, lie (to lie-down), lie (to hide the reality), elope (Sanskrit 'avalopa') with, to run away with.
गो > go > cow > cows > calves, goat, 
> गोवत्स > govatsa > calf, > calves, 
> this 'f' was not there in the Greek where from Latin and English originated. This 'f' meaning 'flower' came into Latin as a symbol and was accepted as a character later on. So, this 'f' in 'life' could not be silent. It is always vocative.  

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Tryst with destiny...?

Read this on net a few minutes ago ....
Tryst with destiny (New Delhi, Aug 1947)
Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964)
Arguably, the most memorable speech of modern India and perhaps the finest that Nehru ever made. It was at midnight on August 14, that the Constituent Assembly met to usher in independence. Nehru was to be sworn in as the Prime Minister of India by Mountbatton on the morning of August 15---'The Appointed Day', Nehru had noted in his pocket diary---but in the speech he spoke as the embodiment of the hopes and aspirations of the Indian People. He had prepared his speech with care. His Special Assistant, M.O.Mathai, has said in the first draft Nehru had written 'date with destiny'.  Mathai pointed out to Nehru the inappropriateness of the word 'date' given the solemnity of the occasion. After consulting Roget's Thesaurus, Mathai suggested tryst or rendezvous as replacements. Mathai writes, '[I] cautioned that the pkrase "rendezvous with destiny" was used by President Franklin Roosvelt in his famous wartime speeches. He [Nehru} thought for a moment and changed date to tryst in the typescript.' It should be pointed out however many consider Mathai's testimony to be unreliable.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

No Story but a Story-line only.

No Story but a Story-line only.
Being a born nomad, 
It was / is my lot to keep moving. 
Making no place my permanent residence.
Some good kind men arranged,
Accommodation for me always.
I think they too are born nomads,
Yet I never asked them.
Providence took me out of the last one.
And I was left on dry parched lands.
Reached at the banks of a river.
Was passing days with bare needs,
That were barely met / fulfilled.
Till a big snake pushed me out,
From that comfortable place.
Kept wandering in the wild,
Till all life in me was,
Squeezed out from me.
In those moments,
That looked like the end,
I Called the only friend.
And within next few minutes,
An ambulance arrived from nowhere.
A Hospital sprung up in the near.
And half-live half-dead,
I was taken over there.
They asked me who was with me?
I said : No one !
They completed their formalities.
And though a man was there,
Accompanying me.
He was not a relative.
The Director of the Big Hospital,
Sat by my side,
Talking a lot and taking care.
After a week I was relieved.
They neither claimed,
Nor charged a single rupee,
And I learnt later,
No one paid my fees!
The nomad was back onto,
His endless path that is life!
Oh yes!
Miracles do happen.


Thursday, 7 July 2016

Confessions ... of a rare kind.

Wrote this on my face-book wall,
on 07-07-2015. :
Confessions / संपश्यन्
When you are all alone, not even with your thoughts, because they are the product of your brain / memory, not even with an explanation about what you are, and the world and its trivialities are left far away irretrievably, you indeed connect with what you really are, though you can never describe this perception of your Real being...

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Very true!

बेहद ईमानदारी से! 
हिन्दुत्व (या हिन्दू) शब्द कभी मेरे शब्दकोश में नहीं था, इसलिए जब किसी के मुँह से इसे सुनता या कहीं इसे पढ़ता हूँ तो बस पलकें झपकाता रहता हूँ !
Very honestly indeed!
This word 'Hindutva' / 'Hindu' was never there in my dictionary, 
So whenever I read / hear it I just don't know what to say ...!

संस्कृत / French / Spanish

संस्कृत / French / Spanish
French : Monsieur - Sanskrit / संस्कृत : मान्यश्री,
French : Mademoiselle - Sanskrit / संस्कृत : मातेमहिला,
French / Spanish Senor (pronunciation - Señor) Sanskrit / संस्कृत : संयुवा 
French / Spanish Senorita (pronynciation - Señorita) 
Sanskrit / संस्कृत : संयोषिता 

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Persian / Pahlavi

कोण > कोणीय, > koṇa > koṇīya,
प्र-मा > प्रमाण, > pra-mā > pramāṇa,
Cuneiform > the script,  
कुन्तलः > kuntalaḥ > lock of hair,
कुन्तलः > kuntalaḥ > a spear, the people wielding spears 
परशु > paraśu > and फरसा > pharasā > an ax-like weapon 
Farasi / Persian ? Fasci > The Italian Political party of Mussolini, who had a symbol of hay-stock with such an ax.   
कुन्ती / पृथा > kuntī / pṛthā > the queen of King पाण्डु > pāṇḍu > of Mahabharata. 
पृथ्वी > पृथु > पार्थ > पार्थिव > पृथुल् > पृथुल्वीय
पह्लवी / पहलवी > pṛthvī > pṛthu > pārtha > pārthiva > pṛthul > pṛthulvīya
pahlavī / pahalavī > in the earlier times was written from left to right like Aramaic but due to Arabic invasion adopted the right to left writing style. 
सौराष्ट्र > saurāṣṭra > Zoroastrian 
शासनीय > Sassanian,
śāsanīya > 
शाह रज़ा > śāha razā > शासक राजा,  

Friday, 20 May 2016

The New Scripture

The New Scripture.
The scriptures say :
The fate of Money / wealth is of three kinds,
There is one more the scriptures fail to mention :
आधुनिक शास्त्र :
शास्त्र कहते हैं, 
धन की तीन ही गतियाँ हैं :
दान, भोग, और नाश,
एक और गति है निवेश (इन्वेस्टमेन्ट/ investment)!

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

संस्कृताङ्लो ... / cognates

संस्कृताङ्लो ...
कुक्कुटो > Cock,
मयूरको > pea-cock,
मुरुगः मुर्ग़ा 
कुकूजिता cuckoo,
कोकिला तथा
उलूको owl, काको caw-crow 
गो cow / goat,
एते सर्वे  व्युत्पन्नाः ॥
ऊकालोऽच्-ह्रस्वदीर्घप्लुतः ।
उ ऊ ऊऽ इति
(पाणिनी 1/2/27)

Monday, 25 April 2016


किम् किङ्क किंकरो च,
बभूवापभ्रंशो किंग King।
’वि’ प्रत्ययवाचेर्क्विन्,
क्वीनेति Queen नाम भार्यायाः ।
यमः यमस् वा जेम्स, James
अधिवर्तः तु एडवर्डो Edward ।
अवलीयसा-वत् एलिज़ाबेथ, Elizabeth 
विस्तर / विस्तार / विष्टारः> Victor / Victoria ॥
हे नृ नराः हेनरी Henry अपि, 
गार्ग्य जॉर्जो George अपि तथा ।
रुद्र रौद्रो रौद्रकाः च
रोड्रिको Rodrick रौद्रिग  Rodrigo इति ॥
विलीयन् विलियम् William भूत्वा,
वर्त-व्यर्थो च फ़ोर्डो Ford असौ ।
इति आंग्ल राजवंशो,
प्रादुर्बभूव आर्यनामभिः ॥
यथा (ॐ) ओम् आम्-तुल्यो,
पोपो (Pope) पापवत्तथैव ।
चर्चिताः अर्चिताः चापि,
चर्च Church कैथोलिक ख्रीस्तौ ॥
गव्हर् नृ > Govern,  
गव्हर् नृ मन्त > Govern-ment,  
प्रकोष्ठः > पैगोडा,> Pagoda
प्रगृह्यो > पैगोडा, > Pagoda
गुहा > गुफा > Cove > Cave, खोह, कुहर, गव्हर, ... 

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Levels of Exactitude.

Levels of Exactitude.
For many reasons, my system lacks UPS.
And I have to bear with the unexpected consequences.
At any moment the power can go-off for a split second and if I have not ‘saved’ the present data, it just vanishes. And I have discovered a strange reality. Say, a fact.
An old friend was very much sick of his wife. And would say,
“I have solid reasons to divorce her in the sixtieth fraction of a second.”
I felt this was sarcastic way of speaking only.
But my system let me come across this new reality.
(Is reality new or old?)
As a student of Physics I knew the A.C. has a frequency of 50 cycles per second.
That means, in every second the phase difference between the hot wire and the neutral alternates 50 times. That is again an average. This may vary between 40 (say) and 60, but the average is 50.
So when my system at once goes off because of a fault in power-supply, -even for a sixtieth part of a second, it just comes to a stand-still / ‘starts’-position.
This means my system is ‘sensitive’ to the sixtieth part of a second.
When I realized this fact, I also felt, my friend’s claim was no exaggeration.
He meant what he said.
I could also believe, Prana (प्राण, हिंदी कॉमिक्स लेखक) was not over-emphasizing when he used to say in his comics
"चाचा चौधरी का दिमाग कम्प्यूटर से भी तेज चलता है !"
Chacha Caudhary ka dimag computer se bhee tez chaltaa hai !
This I call Level of exactitude of the Reality as is perceived by different people.

Friday, 15 April 2016

हिंदुत्व / Hindutva -the myth.

हिंदुत्व / Hindutva -the myth 
हन् > हनति, हिनस्ति in संस्कृत / Sanskrit means 'to kill'. 
There is another root 'जन्' 'जनयति' in संस्कृत that means 'to bear / to be born', to come into 'being'. This 'be' itself has 'भू'  / 'bhoo' as the Sanskrit root, meaning the same i.e.'to bear / to be born', to come into 'being'.
Interesting to note that 'जन्' becomes 'जन्तु' meaning animal / creature, in Sanskrit.
Like-wise 'हन्' > 'हिनस्ति' > हिन्तु > हिंतुः > हिंदु > हिंदू > means that is killed / kills, destroyed / destroys.
The प्राण / चेतना vector (देवता) in the seed (संस्कृत 'सद्' > 'सीदति') / बीजाक्षर suggests that the Cosmic Energy / Consciousness when acts through this > मन्त्र-शब्द / 'mantra-shabda' aims at the total annihilation of the object it is associated with.
But at the same time, because हिंदुत्व / Hindutva itself is a myth, and this myth by being given the name of 'religion' / 'faith' was purposefully put at par with other such myths like Islam, Jew-ism, Catholicism and Christianity by people politically motivated, was doomed to meet its destiny. 
Like they claim 'Sanskrit' is a dead language, they also insist that हिंदुत्व / Hindutva is a dead religion. I fully endorse this view.
Because हिंदुत्व / Hindutva  is / was a myth, an adjunct (उपाधि-सत्ता) in the Vedanta-parlance, which has a formal and apparent existence with a view for practical use, it is never born nor dies.
As वेदांत declares :
न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचन नायं भूत्वा            
सनातन / वैदिक धर्म which is neither a myth nor a 'religion' or 'faith' but is ever so immortal, eternal spirit (अध्यात्म)  / Spirituality.
हिंदुत्व / Hindutva  on the other hand has to die, simply because it had a 'birth' in time / space.
हिंदुत्व / Hindutva  is but a concept and though could become a 'faith' of few, has no essence or substance that could overcome 'death', apparent or virtual.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

नव-वत्सरे / New Vedika Year

नव-वत्सरे / 
विक्रम संवत् 2073 
के स्वागत में 
॥ पण्डितश्चपञ्चाङम् ॥
पञ्चाङ्गेभ्यो पंडितो पूर्णो उडुवः इव दीव्यते ।
औडवषाडवौ लब्ध्वा संपूर्णत्वमर्हति  ।।1
षडाननो च तथैवो सः लोके जगति संसृते ।
अपि संपूर्णतायामसौ द्वितीयो स्कन्द भूतले ॥2
पञ्चाङ्ग के साथ ही पण्डित पूर्ण पंडित होता है, (और पञ्चाङ्ग भी उससे) और तब वह नक्षत्र की तरह प्रकाशमान होकर चमकता है ।
इस प्रकार नक्षत्र-स्वरूप होकर षाडव तथा संपूर्णता को भी पा लेता है ।
(संगीत में पाँच स्वरोंयुक्त राग को औडव, छः स्वरों युक्त को षाडव तथा सात स्वरों से युक्त को संपूर्ण कहा जाता है ।)
और सम्पूर्णता में तो वह मानों इस भूतल पर द्वितीय स्कन्दतुल्य ही होता है । 
|| paṇḍitaścapañcāṅam ||
pañcāṅgebhyo paṃḍito pūrṇo uḍuvaḥ iva dīvyate |
auḍavaṣāḍavau labdhvā saṃpūrṇatvamarhat ||1
ṣaḍānano ca tathaivo saḥ loke jagati saṃsṛte |
api saṃpūrṇatāyāmasau dvitīyo skanda bhūtale ||2
Meaning :
The almanac (panchAnga in Sanskrit) makes a pandit a true pandit.
Thus having perfection over the 5 senses (of speech, sound / hearing, sight, smell, and touch / taste), He shines like a star in the sky.
Then mastery over the sixth (intellect) and the seventh sense (intelligence), He attains perfection ultimate.
Note :
In Sanskrit ‘udu’ means star,
auḍava means a rAga in Indian Classical Music, that has 5 different kinds of notes,
ṣāḍava means a rAga in Indian Classical Music that has 6 different kinds of notes,
Like-wise, saṃpūrṇameans a rAga that has all the 7 different kinds of notes (cdefgab) 

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Istanbul / Turkey

Istanbul / Turkey
इष्टं बलं यत्र प्राप्तं स नगरः इष्टम्बल इति !
iṣṭaṃ balaṃ yatra prāptaṃ sa nagaraḥ iṣṭambala iti !
Meaning :
Where one finds the desired strength is the city named Istanbul तुर् > त्वर् > तुरंग > तुरुष्क, 
The horse / the horseman, ...
हय हयवदन हयतराः > हैदर, Hyder as in Hyderabad.
tur > tvar > turaṃga > turuṣka > Turkey....

Monday, 7 March 2016

Just For Record.../08/03/2016.

Just For Record...

भूमिका-पन्डिताः केचित् केचित् फुटनोट-पन्डिताः ।
रेफरन्स्-पन्डिताः केचित् भवन्ति एवम् तु डाक्टराः ॥
bhūmikā-panḍitāḥ kecit kecit phuṭanoṭa-panḍitāḥ |
repharans-panḍitāḥ kecit bhavanti evam tu ḍākṭarāḥ ||
पण्डा > पम् > व्यापकः बुद्धिः यस्य,
paṇḍā > pam > vyāpakaḥ buddhiḥ yasya,

पद नुतिः > pada nutiḥ > foot-note,
> सु-उप-प्र > su-upa-pra > suffer,
(प)रि-परञ्च > (pa)ri-parañca  > reference,
द्वि-परञ्च > dvi-parañca > difference, deference,
प्र-परञ्च > vi-parañca > preference ,
अव-पर > ava-para > offer
स-उप-परञ्च > sa-upa-para > suffer, 
अन् -परञ्च  >  an -parañca  
दुह् > लुट् > दोग्धा > दोग्धारः (बहुवचन)
duh > luṭ > dogdhā > dogdhāraḥ (bahuvacana) 
 सर्वोपनिषदःगावो दोग्धा गोपालनन्दनः ...
sarvopaniṣadaḥgāvo dogdhā gopālanandanaḥ ...
अव-क्व-लि-तीय / अव-क-लि-तीय /
ava-kva-li-tīya / ava-ka-li-tīya /
वामा > vāmā 
/दुग्ध > duct, milk,
अम्ब / amba / umba (umbilical-cord)
/ womb, woman, 
मनु > मनु > man,

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Shivaratri Greetings!
Oum namaH shivAya !
Armenian 'khachkar' with Eagle.
The word (root) 'अर्' 'ar' / 'ari' in Sanskrit stands for obstacles, danger, weapon, ' ॐ ण मो अ रि ह न्ता ण म्' >' Om Namo ari-hantANaM' is a sacred famous Jain-mantra, a prayer to Tirthankar (their Preceptor) : meaning 'I bow before the One who protects us from obstacles / dangers in spiritual growth'. There is a similar prayer in upanishad : अवतु  माम्  >avatu mAm ... May He (Lord) protect us. 'ar' becomes 'ari' : meaning enemy. One meaning of Arya is : One who has many an obstacles. 'ar' means 'astram' / 'अस्त्रम् ' meaning 'arm', so the hand between shoulder and palm is called 'arm' 'Armenian' are people with 'arms'. Likewise Persians with 'parashu' -meaning 'wood-ax' (which became Fasci-symbol because their ˈfæʃɪzəm symbol of ax). Like-wise Scythian have their scythe. ('सो ' >'so' in Sanskrit means to cut with a sickle, scythe > अवसाय  >awasAya > to kill, अवसान  > awasAna > finish,व्यवसाय >  vyavasAya > to save / preserve / grow. kha-chakra in Sanskrit means the whole sky with all celestial bodies, Zodiac, Eagle / Falcon means Garuda who is the Lord of the sky. The spirit of Eagle is supposed to reign the Zodiac. I interpreted this way ! 'nR' / 'नृ ' in Sanskrit means human, which gives rise to nRptA नृप्ता  /  grand-son, nephew, natal, niece, nuptial, nepotism,nature, nation, nationalist > Nazi Germany and the Third Reich (German: Drittes Reich) Reich > 'race' > 'ऋषि ' 'Rishi' ...Thus goes the legend.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Ode to Mother Divine.

आज की कविता
देह...? नहीं देवी तुम?
देह नहीं, देवी तुम!
वस्त्र...? नहीं देवी तुम?
वस्त्र नहीं, देवी तुम!
रमणी...? नहीं माता तुम?
रमणी नहीं, माता तुम!
लालसा...? नहीं परमेश्वरी?
लालसा नहीं परमेश्वरी!
मोह में बँधो मत,
नेह में बाँधो तुम!
तुम निर्दोष पवित्र प्रकृति,
किन्तु मन मेरा दुष्ट विकृति,
करो कृपा-कटाक्ष-निक्षेप,
हर लो मेरे क्षोभ-विक्षेप।
जानूँ मैं कि मैं देह नहीं,
जानूँ मैं कि नहीं मैं वस्त्र,
और नहीं हूँ मैं पशु-मन,
लेकिन फिर भी हूँ सर्वत्र,   
मैं व्यापक प्रकृति मुझमें,
वह व्यापक मैं भी उसमें,
मैं वह नहीं परस्पर भिन्न
हम जीवन, जीवन का उत्स ।
Ode To Mother Divine!
Are you the body? 
Are You not The Mother?
You are not the body, 
You are but The Mother!
Are you the garb? 
Are You not The Mother?
You are not the garb, 
You are but The Mother!
Are you a woman? 
Are You not The Mother?
You are not the woman, 
You are but The Mother!
Are you the passion? 
Are You not The Mother Supreme?
You are not the passion, 
You are but The Mother Divine!
Don’t bind me in the attachment,
Bind me in Your devotion pure!
You Are immaculate nature pure,
My mind is but a vile ghost. 
Cast upon me the glance of Grace,
Drive away all my agony and fault.
May I know I am not the body,
May I know I am not the vesture.
 And though not the animal-carnal 
But Love all-embracing.  
I am all-pervasive so nature,
We two are in one-another.
We two are not distinct
We are but the Life succinct.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Attraction of the porn

Attraction of the porn
Attraction of the porn is an indication of the suicidal instinct. 
One hates oneself so utterly, extremely that wants to kill oneself though at the same time also wants to see and enjoy this fact that he / she has succeeded in killing oneself.
Logically, and by common sense also, that is quite impossible, A contradiction in itself.
And though one is exhausted and in exhaustion finds a temporary respite from / for oneself, relief from agony, mistakes the same as a joy, this is but a state of unconsciousness where sensitivity is at its lowest, so the agony seems to have gone. 
The chimera goes to slumber for the time being, has a lease of another life, returns soon with a vengeance and embarks upon the same foolhardy adventure again and again.
This vicious cycle continues till one is finally, really dead in the clinical terms.
Like a log of wood turned into a corpse, and cremation is the only the best and the most respectable way of disposing off the mortal remains.
Understanding the futility of this whole activity / phenomenon is the only possible release from and ending of this enigma.
This understanding is not achievement of a newer skill on the part of the mind, rather than that, is the result of keen observation of the whole fact. This is prompted by realizing the urgency of the moment. Facing, accepting and responding the challenge of the moment. Returning to the pristine and pure innocence of the mind, of which one was aware of, before one was caught into this trap because of unawareness / inattention / ignorance / negligence. 
This needs tremendous energy, great insight, intelligence and will that is there by realizing the movement of the moment.
No-one dies twice, though could have a new birth every moment.
The Hindi Translation of the above post is here :   
पोर्न के प्रति प्रबल आकर्षण आत्महत्या करने की प्रवृत्ति का द्योतक भी हो सकता है । ऐसी प्रवृत्ति किसी भी कारण से मन में पनप गई हो, यह प्रवृत्ति रखनेवाला स्वयं से इतनी अधिक तीव्र घृणा करता है कि वह समाप्त हो जाना चाहता है । क्योंकि वह स्वयं की ही दृष्टि में अत्यन्त निन्दित होता है अपराध-बोध से ग्रस्त होता है, और इस अन्तर्द्वन्द्व से सामञ्जस्य न कर पाने से यही एकमात्र रास्ता उसके पास शेष रह जाता है । एक ओर तो वह खुद को मिटा डलना चाहता है, दूसरी ओर यह देखने की खुशी भी महसूस करना चाहता है कि आखिर उसने अपने को खत्म कर ही दिया । स्पष्ट ही है कि तर्क की दृष्टि से और व्यावहारिक रूप से यह नितांत असंभव है । और यदि वह आत्महत्या कर भी ले तो भी इसका कोई प्रमाण किसी के पास क्या हो सकता है कि मरने के बाद उसकी क्या स्थिति हुई होगी ?  यद्यपि अपने इस शौक / व्यसन के माध्यम से वह अत्यंत थककर, क्लांत होकर निढाल भी हो जाता है, उस समय उसके मन की संवेदन-क्षमता अपने न्यूनतम स्तर तक पहुँच चुकी होने से वह अचेतप्राय हो चुका होता है, जहाँ न सुख का पता चलता है न दुःख का, किन्तु दुःख का पता न चलने से दुःख मिट तो नहीं जाता । शायद उसके लिए पोर्न एक निश्चेतक (Anasthesia) की तरह काम करता होगा । किन्तु सुख-दुःख के बोध और संवेदन के अभाव की इस स्थिति को वह भूल या भ्रम से ’सुख’ समझ बैठता है । यह थकान बलपूर्वक उसे क्षणिक विश्राम और कृत्रिम शांति में धकेल भी देती है किन्तु यह विश्राम बदले में उसकी जीवन-ऊर्जा का बड़ा अंश चुरा लेता है और वैसा विश्राम कदापि नहीं होता जैसा मनुष्य को स्वाभाविक नींद सोकर उठने के बाद महसूस होता है । स्वाभाविक नींद के दौरान तो मनुष्य तो और भी नई जीवन-ऊर्जा से भर उठता है । 
पोर्न का यह आकर्षण, यह शौक या व्यसन-रूपी पिशाच यद्यपि इसके प्रभाव में प्राप्त हुई अचेतावस्था के दौरान कुछ समय के लिए निष्क्रिय हुआ जान पड़ता है किन्तु थोड़ी ही देर बाद पहले से भी अधिक ताकत के साथ प्रतिशोध की क्रूर भावना लेकर पुनः आक्रमण करता है ।  पुनः उसी स्वविनाशकारी मूर्खतापूर्ण दुस्साहस में जुट जाता है । यह दुष्चक्र तब तक चलता है जब तक कि उसका शिकार वास्तव में चिकित्सकीय अर्थों में मर नहीं जाता । और ऐसी मृत्यु आत्महत्या के स्वैच्छिक या अनैच्छिक प्रयास के रूप में, हत्या के शिकार होकर या दुर्घटना, बीमारी, अनियंत्रित विक्षिप्तता आदि से,  किसी भी बहाने से हो सकती है ।
तब मनुष्य शव होकर रह जाता है, लकड़ी के लट्ठे की तरह जिसे अग्नि में समर्पित कर देना ही उसके प्रति सर्वाधिक उत्तम, सम्मानपूर्ण व्यवहार हो सकता है ।
इस पूरी गतिविधि को ठीक से समझ लेना ही इस विवंचना की समाप्ति और समाधान है । इस प्रकार की समझ मन की कोई विशेष दक्षता, बौद्धिक कौशल नहीं बल्कि पुनः मन की उस निर्दोष शुद्ध, पवित्र स्थिति की ओर लौट जाने से होती है जिसमें इस शौक / व्यसन के शिकार होने से पहले मन अनायास ही था, किन्तु अनवधान, लापरवाही, प्रमाद और मूढतावश इसमें फँस गया । इसके लिए निश्चित रूप से प्रखर अन्तर्दृष्टि, गहरी इच्छाशक्ति, संकल्प और अदम्य ऊर्जा भी अत्यन्त आवश्यक होते हैं । और यह सब कोई अवश्य ही अपने सच्चे हितैषियों से, शुभचिन्तकों से भी प्राप्त कर सकता है, और उन्हें दे भी सकता है, या यूँ ही जीता हुआ खुद भी विनष्ट हो सकता है और दूसरों को भी विनष्ट कर सकता है ।

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

A dream repeated.

The Flute-player.
After some 3 years, yesterday-night I had the same dream again.
Though this time quite another incident took place in my dream.
The place was the same big building where last time Krishna had helped in getting rescued. 
This time this was like a tall multi-story where there were 4 or 5 floors above the ground-floor.
There might have been a hundred blocks on each floor.
I was at the door where I had reached after a long journey.
There was the man at the reception and asked me my name and nationality.
I was surprised that he though looked like an Indian, could not recognize me.
“Oh! So you didn’t book your suit in advance?” 
He asked me.
“No, I never knew I need to do that for getting accommodation here.”
“O.K. Take any key from that key-board and go to the entrance.”
There were about a dozen keys and I couldn’t decide which one to choose.
“May I help you?”
He asked.
“Oh, thanks… “ 
I mumbled.
He came to me. Pointing out the keys, he said remember the number marked at the place where-from you take the key. When you go to the upstairs you shall come across yet another door, a gate in fact, with many a key-holes jaded into it. And open that door by inserting your key in the key-hole where the relevant number is marked.
I was confused so he came with me to help further even more.
Look, I have this flute. He pulled-out a flute from the rope-like belt which he had upon his waist tied to hold the dress at the place. He took the flute and inserted its flat-end in a key-hole which was marked with the word ‘Flute’. He took my hand and we both found the gate slowly sliding and opening into a sky-like space. As if we were going to jump-down from a plane in a parachute.
“But I have no key with me!”
I was frightened. 
“Choose one from here.”
He pulled-out a bunch of keys from his pocket and gave to me. 
“I can’t take it out from ring. “
I said.
“No need to take any. Just note the mark on the key. And remember it when you have entered your place.”
I chose one and remembered the same.
In a second he clasped me and we both dived-down from the gate into the boundless sky. There was no earth where we could land upon. But in the next few seconds I (in the dream) found myself on my terrace, at the same place where I presently live at.
But I couldn’t understand if this was part of my dream or what I was doing before I came here on my terrace.
But while I was thinking this and was utterly perplexed, I felt I could fly in the sky and was going like an arrow upwards towards sky, and was sure this was the part of dream.
Soon I reached the same gate and found there the gate with many key-holes but had no idea how to open the same and enter. Then I remembered the word which I had noted a while ago.
I uttered the word before the key-hole where was the same was clearly visible to me.
And Lo! The sliding-gate moved and let me in.
There was the guy sitting at the reception-counter, playing his flute with sounds that made me crazy.
“What next?”
I was a bit angry.
You see, who-so-ever comes to me, I tell him how to choose his own accommodation. And the same gate opens by inserting the relevant key at the corresponding key-hole. And the same vent leads them to their desired accommodation, which could be heaven or hell of their own will and choice. Then they enter and forget the mark they themselves had chosen and start quarreling with one-another.
While we were having this dialogue, suddenly I saw a big crowd who had come to that building. They all were there but no one could come near us because of the strong glass-wall that parted them from us (me and him).
When I woke-up it was 4:39 in the morning.
And I had no doubt this time this was really at the place where I am typing this text, not the continuance of the dream. And yes, I do remember my word that was given to me by the flute-player. I hope could utter when I finally leave this place for good.

An Eternal Voyage.

An Eternal Voyage.
She : Vinay hello ! My master! How are you? I have fever, ... But I'm happy because I have been with my dad in the last 10 days: he came to visit me here.
I bought my own copy of "I am that" (the other one is at my home in Sicily) and this always answers my questions.
In addition, this makes me feel more, I'm near to you <3.

Me : Happy to know you have a copy of 'I AM THAT'. This book really helps much more in long time. When-ever you open a page you get something to push you ahead on the path of understanding life and yourself. And this goes on smoothly without letting you know how far you have changed, though at the core, You are ever so unchangeable /  Changeless / immutable . 
We call this essence of the Self / Life as the immutable Reality. अविकारी  'AvikArI'. 
That never undergoes mutation or  deformation. Which never deteriorates. 
Happy Voyage into the Eternal.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

What is Education? And, What is schooling?

What is Education? And, What is schooling?
Me...अधि-इतः अधीतः , अधीयते meaning to know, to go through, to learn, to edit / edict, > अध्यापयति > अध्यापन, अध्यापक, अध्यापिका, means to teach
शाला > शालेय > school, schooling, shoal (a group of fish) scholar, This is how this word came into English. I had translated into Hindi a book "शिक्षा क्या है?" by J.Krishnamurti (Talks with Students : Varanasi 1954) which was published by Rajpal &Sons Kashmere Gate, Delhi. This contains 18 talks about "What is Education?"
Q...Yes,  I have that book ...
Me... yes, Thanks. Because you asked, I felt like commenting, so that others too may know. Education is in fact knowing and facing 'Life' anew from moment to moment. without letting the mind caught into 'knowledge' and 'information' which hamper the natural awareness, freshness of perception. When we see life through 'thought' and memory, we stop 'learning'. We become stale, repetitive, but when we accept every new situation in a new way, we grow.
Q.... How enlightening ... 
Me...This is what I learnt from J.Krishnamurti.
We are a new person with every passing moment... we gain knowledge about life , about ourselves and people around us , . 
Q....Can we term it as experience too ? Is experience another name to education ... 
Or what about schooling ... does schooling destroys person's own vision. ....
Me...Experience teaches us many things mostly of the technical kind. That has its utility. But when experience projects a psychological-time, we get caught into a groove. We start imagining 'I will do / be / gain / lose, this, this and this,' This traps the mind into the idea of oneself being a person in time and space. And this person, only the idea is further strengthened by experience'. So this is an endless chain. But once we understand that this 'person' is only a formal utility but not a Reality, we see 'experience' in true light. And never long for experience anymore. Neither good, nor bad, nor beautiful or ugly. As far as life matters one needs technical education, how to use machines, apps, devices, And like this 'thought', language also. This does not mean we should be a slave to them or glorify those things.
Q...Thanx ...
Me...I'am of the view that present way of education and schooling had greatly harmed the whole society all over the world. This system of 'educating' people is basically defective because education and teaching are basically communication and not inculcating 'thought' and 'ideals'. We should teach to students 'How to think', but till date we have taught and have been taught 'What to think?'. And that is the fundamental error in the whole present-day education-system all over the world. We are taught religion, which are but different sets of 'thoughts' and we keep comparing and contrasting them, The human mind has been thus so much split and fragmented and we are still following the same divisive pattern.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

J. Krishnamurti to me.

J.Krishnamurti to me.
Sri Ramana Maharshi has been my God,
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj has been my Guru,
But Sri J.Krishnamurti has been very own Self.
I never knew what these supposedly great people said about J.Krishnamurti. I could never get a chance to meet Him in person, though I from the moment I heard about Him, felt instinctively so, and never had any doubt that He was / Is my own very Self. 


Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Glucose, Sugar and Diabetes..

Glucose, Sugar and Diabetes.. 
संस्कृत / saṃskṛta roots...

उक् उङ् उच् (उज्) उञ् उट् उण् उप् उम् उत् उन् (उय् उर् उल् उव् उश् उष् उस्) 
uk uṅ uc (uj) uñ uṭ uṇ up um ut un (uy ur ul uv uś uṣ us) 
उज् > uj > ओज (ओजस्) >  oja (ojas) > 
हिंदी > hindī > ओस > osa > dew, अवसू > avasū  > 
उष् > uṣ > उषा > uṣā > ओषधि > ओषधि > Medicine,  
पॄ > पॄ > पृक्तं > pṛktaṃ >  
पृक्तोजस् > pṛktojas  >
पॄ > pr̥̄
 > परि > pari > peri > ripe(n),
गल् > gal > गलीय >  galīya > Gly
गलीय ओजस् / ओष्  > galīya ojas / oṣ > glucose,
मल /  mala 
> माल > māla
 > मलतः > malataḥ > 
मलतोज > malatoja 
> मालतोज > mālatoja > maltose,
> लिह् > lih (to lick)
 > लिक्त > likta > sucked (liquid, juice, milk)
> Lactose. 
 > शुक्र > śukra > Venus, sugar,
> शक्र > śakra  > मेह > meha > Cloud / Indra (The Vedika God of Clouds and rains) 
> मेघ > megha > Cloud / Indra,
> मघ > magha > Cloud / Indra,
> मघा > maghā > The Constellation,
 > मघवा > maghavā
 > मधुमेह > madhumeha
 > प्रमेह > prameha > enurea,
 > उर् > ur > उरीय > urīya
 > उरीन > urīna > urine,
 > शर्करा > śarkarā  > sugar,
> शुक्रौज > śukrauja > sucrose,
> मधु > madhu > honey,
 > मद > mada > madness,
 > माद > māda > madness / lunatic, 
> उन्माद > unmāda > excitement, 
 >  मदिरा > madirā > wine, intoxicant,
 >  > पृक्तौषधि > pṛktauṣadhi > fructose,

Monday, 1 February 2016


संस्कृत / saṃskṛta > पठ् > paṭh > to study, read, learn, 
संस्कृत / saṃskṛta > पठज्ञ > paṭhajña > One adept in teaching / study , scholar.
संस्कृत / saṃskṛta > चर्या > caryā > to care, to cure, 
संस्कृत / saṃskṛta > पद > pada > feet ,
संस्कृत / saṃskṛta > पितृ > pitṛ  > पिता > pitā  > Father, पैत्र > paitra  > patriarchal 
The above vocabulary (वाक् बलः ईय> वाक्बलरीय)  gives us clues how 
Pedicure , Pediatrics, (US : Pediatrics) Padre, Father, Pedagogue / Pedagog,
pedicure, pedophilia, might have originated from terms which have their meaning in संस्कृत / saṃskṛta well-derived and testified from the basic roots of  संस्कृत / saṃskṛta.
So we see how :
Pedagogue means 'Learned', or one associated with scholarship.
Father is the male parent as well as the one who helps in baptizing. 
On the other hand pedophilia means the condition of being sexually attracted towards children.
पैत्र > paitra  > patriarchal helps us understand the love of father for the child.
संस्कृत / saṃskṛta > पितृ > pitṛ > gives us 'Peter' (Saint?) or Peter (Simon) of Bible? Who knows?
A man of sane mind could not imagine that this could have a sexual-tone like Oedipus or Electra-Complex which we have known in the Development and Progress and new 'research' ' in Psychology of Date.
But the same Fatherly affection of a male-parent towards one's son / daughter has been distorted and took the form of pervert kind - 'pedophilia'.
In the same way from here we derive 'pedo' for 'child' and 'philia' for love / sexual-lust.
The Philosophy and Theosophy too hint at this.
And then we 'coin' a newer word  :
Pediatrics, (US : Pediatrics).

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Evolution of the WORD

Evolution of the WORD.
श्लिष् > śliṣ
 > click, close, schlissen (to close, German)) schluss (German, close, lock), schlussel (German) > key,
latch / lock / clause, 
क्लिद् > क्लिद्यते 
> klid > klidyate 
resembles श्लिष् > śliṣ in the sense of 'closing' > to bring / come to a 'close' > 'end'.
This again gives, preclude, include, exclude, reclude (recluse) 
this 'end' is संस्कृत / saṃskṛta 'अन्त' / 'anta'  with  उपसर्ग-प्रत्यय (prefix) 'अव'  (ava) that gives us a thousand words in English.
And the only reasoning that establishes convincingly is the principle that a word uttered / spoken / produced in whatever way has its inherent meaning hidden in the uttered / spoken / produced word.
This does not mean that one really is aware of that meaning, but the formation of the word itself is dependent upon the sound and consciousness that is the core meaning of the word.Thus when we utter a word because we have been trained to use the word in a particular sense, this does not imply that we invoke the hidden meaning, but when we truly aspire to invoke what we intend to see, we instantly come across the exact word that is 'mantra' or the sound-consciousness associated with the word and the meaning and connects the two in the most proper way.
In the preceding post I have explained
 (वायु) प्राण / (vāyu) prāṇa /  चित्त / citta /  cetanā
which govern the whole discipline of word-formation.
संस्कृत / saṃskṛta classifies 33 presiding- devatā, the authority  that govern the whole Matrix of Letters that are the building-blocks of all words.
In their pristine and genuine form these words follow the rules promulgated by these presiding- devatā. 
So all sound-forms (sound > स्वर / swar  form > प्रमा / pramā)  are generated from these 33 presiding-devatā, which are functional beings conferred with the power of bringing out the manifest-existence. 
These were energy-consciousness-capsules are the very seed of the Whole world perceived by an individual, while the individual is like-wise such a energy-consciousness-capsule in one-self, though far more, infinitesimally small in power and strength when compared with those 33 entities enumerated above. 
Veda tell us one by performing certain rituals यज्ञ / yajña could attain the status of those 33 presiding- devatā in 4 ways :

 देवता-सान्निध्य देवता-सायुज्य, देवता-सामीप्य देवता-सालोक्य / devatā-sānnidhya devatā-sāyujya, devatā-sāmīpya devatā-sālokya.
Then the यज्ञ / yajña doesn't mean offerings given as sacrifice in Fire, but all actions / deeds which help attain this goal.


Thursday, 28 January 2016

Evolution of Languages-1.

Evolution of Languages.
उपदेश-सारः 12 >
(by श्री रमण महर्षि)  

शाखयोर्द्वयी शक्तिमूलका ॥

श्री रमण महर्षि > śrī ramaṇa maharṣi 

upadeśa-sāraḥ :12,

(by śrī ramaṇa maharṣi) 

śākhayordvayī śaktimūlakā ||
hints at the evolution of all languages in general, even of 
संस्कृत / saṃskṛta.
The purport of the above श्लोक / śloka 12 of the text upadeśa-sāraḥ :12, gives us a clue how (वायु) प्राण / (vāyu) prāṇa /  चित्त / citta 
/  cetanā are but branches of the same Cosmic Power that takes different forms according to the different individuals at different places. And as the two (वायु) प्राण / (vāyu) prāṇa /  चित्त / citta 
/  cetanā , air (वायु) प्राण / (vāyu) prāṇa , and consciousness चित्त / citta /  cetanā , in popular common parlance are intimately associated with vibrations and frequency, the feelings and emotions are also closely linked to sounds one produces / utters when one experiences of any of them. 
ऋषि / ṛṣi then discovered the link between vowels consonants the compound of them in term of 'word' and found out what form of a language is there that is at the root of all languages.
Just as  चित्त / citta /  cetanā , and (vāyu) / prāṇa /  चित्त / citta 
/  cetanā , are all-pervading elements, the sound that is energy at the visible level and consciousness is like-wise so, when produced / heard by some-one.
This gives us a rational basis for understanding why most of the words of all languages could be conveniently derived from संस्कृत / saṃskṛta. 
The languages so evolved and developed into so varied forms and followed the ethnicity of the people that this fact is now almost forgotten, even suppressed by some scholars also because of their own prejudices and fears, that the origin of all languages is the same and one only. They have devised 'PIE' and discuss if that was the earliest spoken / written language of man.
They are afraid that acknowledging संस्कृत / saṃskṛta. as that one and the only language would cast a death-sentence to their 'religion' and that is how  संस्कृत / saṃskṛta is being side-lined.
And they say and declare संस्कृत / saṃskṛta. is a Dead-language!
Time will tell what is the Truth.
Here are some words to elaborate my point. 
अप नय > apanaya > to carry away, far from, 
> off, open, ofnen (German) 
श्लिष् > śliṣ
 > click, close, schlissen (to close, German)) schluss (German, close, lock), schlussel (German) > key,
latch / lock / clause, 
अव-अन्त > अवान्त > avānta > अव > ava >  eve abend (German)
नक्त > nakta > night, nacht (German) 
अप-इक्ष् , अप ईक्ष > apa-ikṣ , apa īkṣa >  apex,
स्पृष्ट > अवस्पृष्ट >  spṛṣṭa 
> avaspṛṣṭa
 > ईषत्-स्पृष्ट > īṣat-spṛṣṭa 
> expect, 
अव-स्पष्ट > अवस्पष्ट > avaspaṣṭa > aspect,
परि-स्पृष्ट > pari-spṛṣṭa > respect,
पेषणं > peṣaṇaṃ > पिष्ट > piṣṭa > paste, pizza,  
अवसन्त > avasanta > absent, 
परि सन्त > pari santa > प्रसन्त > prasanta >  recent , present,
ग्रस् > gras > ग्रास > grāsa > graze > grass > gress > grip >  
तरु > taru > tree,
गॄ > gr̥̄ > gorge, grit 
अग्र > अग्र > अग्रे > अग्रेषण >  agreṣaṇa > aggression 
स्था > तिष्ठति > स्थेयते > स्थायी, स्थिर  स्थल स्थाली स्थूल > 
sthā > tiṣṭhati > stheyate > sthāyī, sthira  sthala sthālī sthūla 
> stay, stall, still, stool, stale.
स्तेय >  चौर्यम् > steya > thief > steal. 
I intend to put here on my blog a million such words in my following posts.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The Rickety-Bridge on varuṇā

The rickety-bridge on varuṇā
जे.कृष्णमूर्ति से जुड़े एक व्यक्ति से मिलना हुआ । मेरे हम-उम्र होने से हमारे बीच बातचीत की संभावनाएँ और तालमेल था । 

"हम भले ही किसी को पढ़ते रहें किसी की प्रशंसा करें या नापसन्द करें, भीतर से हम न तो किसी को छू पाते हैं न छू सकते हैं न कोई हमें ।"
वह नपे-तुले शब्दों में बोला । 
गंगा में मिलती हुई वरुणा चुपचाप हमें सुन रही थी । उसके उपर बना कच्चा पुल जिस पर से लोग आ-जा रहे थे, जीर्ण-शीर्ण होने पर भी इतना मजबूत तो था ही कि आनेवाली बरसात तक काम देता रहे । हर बरसात में उसे ध्वस्त हो जाना होता है और पुल को बनाने और उसकी देखभाल करनेवाले अक्सर स्वयं ही बारिश शुरु होने से पहले ही, अंतिम दिनों तक इसका उपयोग हो जाने के बाद इसे तोड़ देते हैं, इसकी लकड़ी की बल्लियाँ और खंभे, तख़्ते, बाँस, रस्सियाँ आदि समेटकर सहेज लेते हैं । पुल शायद "वासांसि जीर्णानि ..." को स्मरण कर खुशी-खुशी अपने आमूल-परिवर्तन को स्वीकार कर लेता होगा । 
हम उस जगह पहुँच चुके थे जिसे ’सन्सेट-पॉइन्ट’ कहते हैं । वरुणा के किनारे, किनारे से दूर कुछ ऊँची जगह जहाँ वरुणा कभी नहीं पहुँचती; -बरसात में गंगा द्वारा लील लिये जाने पर भी, शायद ही कभी वहाँ तक पहुँचती हो । कहा जाता है कि अगर गंगा वहाँ पहुँच जाए तो काशी जलमग्न हो जाएगा, जो कि असंभव है । 
काशी, जो बस राजघाट से लगा ही है ।
"अगर कोई किसी वज़ह से अपना कौमार्य गँवा बैठे तो यह उतना दुःखद नहीं होता जितना कि सरलता को खो बैठना।"
सुनकर मैं अपनी हँसी रोक न सका।  
'Sir, This is not laughing matter!'
यह एक वाक्य था जिसे जे. कृष्णमूर्ति कभी कभी कहा करते थे।  
"हाँ, मैं समझता हूँ। "
मैंने कहा। 
"कौमार्य तो भूल से, किसी के प्रलोभन या बल-प्रयोग से भी खो सकता है, लेकिन सरलता को कोई आपसे छीन नहीं सकता।"
उस पहली मुलाक़ात में हम इतनी ही बातें कर थे। 
सुना है वरुणा बहुत दूषित हो गई है, उम्मीद है अगली बरसात तक साफ़ हो जाएगी।  मैं नहीं जानता कि वह गंगा में मिलकर उतनी साफ़ बनी रहेगी ?
Met a man interested in J.Krishnamurti's teachings. Being in the same age-group we instantly became friends and could talk well.
"Though we may read and appreciate one, hardly he could ever touch our inner being or we of him."
He remarked in calculated words.  
varuṇā, the tributary of Ganges was listening our talks silently without making a fuss. The rickety-bridge they build every year after the rains are over, had though a tattered look, it could well serve the people who tread over it, for crossing the river. Before every rainy season, they dismantle the bridge and get the wood-logs, the flat wooden pieces, bamboo and the ropes and preserve the same for the next season.
May be according to "वासांसि जीर्णानि ...", the bridge might have felt no sad over being lost this perishable body. May be it knew well and was prepared for the 
'Radical Transformation',
J. Krishnamurti occasionally referred to.
We reached at the top of the land where they say; J.Krishnamurti used to watch the 'sun-set'. This land quite up and well above the river-bank, was so high, varuṇā even if in spate, could never have thought of touching it. And Ganges, too couldn't because This was 'Kashi' Shiva's very abode, and Ganges reaching here meant the whole world will be inundated under it. And that is almost impossible until Shiva desires.
'Kashi' is just adjoining area to Rajghat Fort, Varanasi, the location of Krishnamurti Study Center.
"If some-one loses his / her virginity because of reasons, beyond circumstances beyond one's control, because of innocence, or being forced / cajoled to do so, that is not as much grievous as losing the simplicity, the innocence one has when one is born in the world."
He added.
I couldn't stop laughing.
'Sir! This is not laughing matter!' 
He admonished me in a tone that reminded me of J.Krishnamurti.
"Yes, ... yes I see!"
" You see your virginity could be snatched away from you at gun-point or by coercion,  or enticement, but no one could ever snatch your innocence your simplicity. that is your Freedom."
In that first meeting we talked this much only.
I hear varuṇā has been much polluted, and hope will purify, make clear itself in the forth-coming rains. Though I am not sure how pure it would stay after joining Ganges.


सर्वभाषास्तवनं / sarvabhāṣāstavanaṃ

सर्वभाषास्तवनं / sarvabhāṣāstavanaṃ  
अङ्गं गलितम् यस्य तदाङ्ग्लम् 
पलितं मुण्डं यस्य स पलितः ।
इतिवेतिलीये विरूपे इतिलीया 
स्फुरणात्स्फीते असौ च स्फिनिशः । 
दैन्याद्दैत्यो यद्दैनदात्यित्सः
ऋषेर्प्रणीता ऋषीया सा ॥
चिह्नो विचिह्नो मन्दारिन्-सिनीया,
प्रांशुः तदैव प्रांशीया भवेत् ॥
अर्वण-मरु-निकषा अरुवीया मरुद्भिः
परषु-परशोर्भूत्वा पारसीया विजाता ॥
मूषः पप्रच्छ यदा गणेशो इत्युक्तवान् ।
ब्रूहि ब्रूहि विपरीतेन गृहीत्वा हिब्रू बभूव ॥ 
मलयपरिमलान्विता मलयाली वदन्ति ते 
त्रिलिङ्गेन गजकर्णेन त्रैलिंगी कर्णाटकी ॥
तमिलं शिववक्त्रं घोरमपि अघोरं तत् ।
द्राविडाभाषाः पुण्याः एतदर्थे चतस्रः ताः॥
उरूरीकृता उर्दू उत्तुंगा ऊर्जस्विता ।
अन्याः सर्वाः भाषाः लुप्ताः वा परिप्लुताः ॥
एतदर्थे बहुभाषासु संस्कृता एव प्रवर्तते ।
वेदभाषा देवभाषा इति बहुधा इङ्गिता ॥


अर्थ :
जिसका स्वरूप विकृत है वह है आंग्ल (अंग्रेज़ी),
जिसका मुख पीत (पीला) है वह है ’पोलिश’
जो स्वरूप से अपरूपता में लीन हो गई वह है इतिलीया / इटैलियन,
स्फुरण से उद्भव और विस्तार को पानेवाली स्पैनिश,
दानवों और दैत्यों के द्वारा अपनाई गई ’डैनिश’ या ’ड्यूएट्श्’ (जर्मन)
ऋषियों के द्वारा प्रणीत रूसी,
चिह्न-लिपि से बननेवाली चीनी मन्दारिन् ,
और इसी प्रकार से प्र-आंशु > प्रांशु है फ़्रेन्च ।
आलस्य के कारण शेष अनुवाद फिर कभी..  .. 
सर्वभाषास्तवनं / sarvabhāṣāstavanaṃ  

aṅgaṃ galitam yasya tadāṅglam 
palitaṃ muṇḍaṃ yasya sa palitaḥ ।
itiveti līye virūpe itilīyā 
sphuraṇātsphīte ca sphiniśaḥ ।
dainyāddaityo yaddainadātyitsaḥ
ṛṣerpraṇītā ṛṣīyā sā ॥
cihno vicihno vā mandārin-sinīyā,
prāṃśuḥ tadaiva prāṃśīyā bhavet ||
arvaṇa-marunikaṣā aruvīyā marudbhiḥ
paraṣu-paraśorbhūtvā pārasīyā vijātā ||
mūṣaḥ papraccha yadā gaṇeśo ityuktavān |
brūhi brūhi viparītena gṛhītvā hibrū babhūva || 
malayaparimalānvitā malayālī vadanti te 
triṅgena gajakarṇena trailiṅī karṇāṭakī ||
tamilaṃ śivavaktraṃ ghoramapi aghoraṃ tat |
drāviḍābhāṣāḥ puṇyāḥ etadarthe catasraḥ tāḥ||
urūrīkṛtā urdū uttuṃgā ūrjasvitā |
anyāḥ sarvāḥ bhāṣāḥ luptāḥ vā pariplutāḥ ||
etadarthe bahubhāṣāsu saṃskṛtā eva pravartate |
vedabhāṣā devabhāṣā iti bahudhā iṅgitā ||



Monday, 25 January 2016

Creativity and Art.

Creativity and Art.
The spirits esoteric, occult and mystic have their sway over consciousness associated with all beings. These spirits too are comprised of three core attributes / (संस्कृत > अवत्रिभूत / अत्रिभूत > saṃskṛta > avatribhūta / atribhūta) or गुण / guṇa of  प्रकृति  / प्रकृति, (सत्व रज तम / satva, raja, tama). In terms of 'consciousness' The 3 in fact play the role of core-factors that make apparently an individual to behave as an independent and different entity from the Whole and Total, Unique Consciousness Principle. 
This again forms a triangle which has a parallel in Physics as Light, Force / movement and inertia / darkness.
Thus the factor an undistinguished principle (संस्कृत > अवत्रिभूत / अत्रिभूत > saṃskṛta > avatribhūta / atribhūta) or गुण / guṇa of  प्रकृति / prakṛti, (सत्व रज तम / satva, raja, tama). causes the phenomenal manifestation as the expression of  Whole and Total, Unique Consciousness Principle. This Whole and Total, Unique Consciousness Principle exists on its own, independent of the 'other'. As there is no existence of the 'other', This Whole and Total Unique Consciousness Principle, has no contrast or parallel to be compared with. So this Principle though Unique of its own character could not be described as 'one' or 'many', because 'one' and / or 'many' as description are but terms sans essence / meaning. This is why it is termed अद्वैत / advaita  or ’Non-Duality-Principle. On the other hand, because सांख्य / sāṃkhya describes all that which is in the domain of प्रकृति / prakṛti,  in terms of 3 गुण / guṇa of  प्रकृति / prakṛti that form the basis of  प्रकृति / prakṛti . In other words,  प्रकृति / prakṛti  is its and 3 गुण / guṇa  and  3 गुण / guṇa are प्रकृति / prakṛti itself.
Accordingly, One who is devoted to any of the Art-form, or the Fine-Arts, often finds sometimes he / she has urge and the urge brings the energy and response to the urge. This very urge may be acquired as is mostly in the case of scholars / intellectuals who are prompted because of ambition and a longing for recognition or sense of working for some so-called lofty ideals, ideologies in the name of 'religion' or 'thought'. Sometimes These though may possess talent also, very often they are after social status of some kind, which ultimately kills all their Creativity whatever there was in the first stance.
On the other hand there are others like Scientists who are driven by the same force but their involvement in the process is so fascinating that they are often enraptured by their interest. They sometimes have some hidden desires and longings too, but that does neither exploit their Creativity nor pose obstructions to the same.
No doubt the orientation and temperament of their mind and social circumstances, cultural atmosphere also contributes to a great extent to this.
A painter or sculptor, a musician or a dancer are perhaps a lot of different kind.
They may have strong passions and swing and swifts of mood and that affects their work accordingly. Sometimes despite their other problems like money or health, they work hard for long hours, even for days on a single item, and occasionally keep it unfinished on hold for too long. This may take years. They start anew and afresh and discover newer inspirations from the work they had left half-way between.
This looks as if they are but driven by their 'destiny' or the one, who ordains their life. The painter paints the painting, but the painting too creates the painter. We see the sculpture but the sculpture is what creates the sculptor.

Saturday, 23 January 2016


तैत्तिरीय उपनिषद् / taittirīya upaniṣad
शीक्षा वल्ली / śīkṣā vallī
द्वितीय अनुवाक / dvitīya anuvāka
शीक्षां व्याख्यास्यामः ।
वर्णः स्वरः ।
मात्रा बलम् ।
साम संतानः ।
इत्युक्तः शीक्षाध्यायः ॥
तैत्तिरीय उपनिषद् / taittirīya upaniṣad
शीक्षा वल्ली / śīkṣā vallī
(Part-1, Section 2)
śīkṣāṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ |
varṇaḥ svaraḥ |
mātrā balam |
sāma saṃtānaḥ |
ityuktaḥ śīkṣādhyāyaḥ ||
Now is enunciated  :
शीक्षा / śīkṣā
(Education / Teaching)
Education comprises of :
Letters Sounds.
Entity Strength.
Essence Harmony / Continuity.
मन्त्र तन्त्र यन्त्र / mantra tantra yantra
The Occult, The Esoteric, and The mystic,
have a parallel in ब्रह्म-विद्या / brahma-vidyā
(The Spiritual Wisdom)
मन्त्र तन्त्र यन्त्र / mantra tantra yantra
mantra is The Occult, कलनं > kalanaṃ
 > अव कलित > ava kalita > Calculation.
tantra is The Esoteric > अव सतो इक् > ava sato ik
> अव सतः इक् >  ava sataḥ ik >
yantra is The Mystic. > मिथित > mithita > द्विचिह्नित > dvicihnita
> द्विचिह्न > dvicihna > designe.

have a parallel in Science.
tantra is Chemistry.
yantra is Physics,
mantra is Mathematics.
Existence, Manifestation, Name and Form
have a parallel in
मन्त्र तन्त्र यन्त्र / mantra tantra yantra,
मन्त्र is Existence,
तन्त्र is Manifestation,
यन्त्र is Name and Form.