Monday, 25 January 2016

Creativity and Art.

Creativity and Art.
The spirits esoteric, occult and mystic have their sway over consciousness associated with all beings. These spirits too are comprised of three core attributes / (संस्कृत > अवत्रिभूत / अत्रिभूत > saṃskṛta > avatribhūta / atribhūta) or गुण / guṇa of  प्रकृति  / प्रकृति, (सत्व रज तम / satva, raja, tama). In terms of 'consciousness' The 3 in fact play the role of core-factors that make apparently an individual to behave as an independent and different entity from the Whole and Total, Unique Consciousness Principle. 
This again forms a triangle which has a parallel in Physics as Light, Force / movement and inertia / darkness.
Thus the factor an undistinguished principle (संस्कृत > अवत्रिभूत / अत्रिभूत > saṃskṛta > avatribhūta / atribhūta) or गुण / guṇa of  प्रकृति / prakṛti, (सत्व रज तम / satva, raja, tama). causes the phenomenal manifestation as the expression of  Whole and Total, Unique Consciousness Principle. This Whole and Total, Unique Consciousness Principle exists on its own, independent of the 'other'. As there is no existence of the 'other', This Whole and Total Unique Consciousness Principle, has no contrast or parallel to be compared with. So this Principle though Unique of its own character could not be described as 'one' or 'many', because 'one' and / or 'many' as description are but terms sans essence / meaning. This is why it is termed अद्वैत / advaita  or ’Non-Duality-Principle. On the other hand, because सांख्य / sāṃkhya describes all that which is in the domain of प्रकृति / prakṛti,  in terms of 3 गुण / guṇa of  प्रकृति / prakṛti that form the basis of  प्रकृति / prakṛti . In other words,  प्रकृति / prakṛti  is its and 3 गुण / guṇa  and  3 गुण / guṇa are प्रकृति / prakṛti itself.
Accordingly, One who is devoted to any of the Art-form, or the Fine-Arts, often finds sometimes he / she has urge and the urge brings the energy and response to the urge. This very urge may be acquired as is mostly in the case of scholars / intellectuals who are prompted because of ambition and a longing for recognition or sense of working for some so-called lofty ideals, ideologies in the name of 'religion' or 'thought'. Sometimes These though may possess talent also, very often they are after social status of some kind, which ultimately kills all their Creativity whatever there was in the first stance.
On the other hand there are others like Scientists who are driven by the same force but their involvement in the process is so fascinating that they are often enraptured by their interest. They sometimes have some hidden desires and longings too, but that does neither exploit their Creativity nor pose obstructions to the same.
No doubt the orientation and temperament of their mind and social circumstances, cultural atmosphere also contributes to a great extent to this.
A painter or sculptor, a musician or a dancer are perhaps a lot of different kind.
They may have strong passions and swing and swifts of mood and that affects their work accordingly. Sometimes despite their other problems like money or health, they work hard for long hours, even for days on a single item, and occasionally keep it unfinished on hold for too long. This may take years. They start anew and afresh and discover newer inspirations from the work they had left half-way between.
This looks as if they are but driven by their 'destiny' or the one, who ordains their life. The painter paints the painting, but the painting too creates the painter. We see the sculpture but the sculpture is what creates the sculptor.

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