Wednesday, 17 February 2016

A dream repeated.

The Flute-player.
After some 3 years, yesterday-night I had the same dream again.
Though this time quite another incident took place in my dream.
The place was the same big building where last time Krishna had helped in getting rescued. 
This time this was like a tall multi-story where there were 4 or 5 floors above the ground-floor.
There might have been a hundred blocks on each floor.
I was at the door where I had reached after a long journey.
There was the man at the reception and asked me my name and nationality.
I was surprised that he though looked like an Indian, could not recognize me.
“Oh! So you didn’t book your suit in advance?” 
He asked me.
“No, I never knew I need to do that for getting accommodation here.”
“O.K. Take any key from that key-board and go to the entrance.”
There were about a dozen keys and I couldn’t decide which one to choose.
“May I help you?”
He asked.
“Oh, thanks… “ 
I mumbled.
He came to me. Pointing out the keys, he said remember the number marked at the place where-from you take the key. When you go to the upstairs you shall come across yet another door, a gate in fact, with many a key-holes jaded into it. And open that door by inserting your key in the key-hole where the relevant number is marked.
I was confused so he came with me to help further even more.
Look, I have this flute. He pulled-out a flute from the rope-like belt which he had upon his waist tied to hold the dress at the place. He took the flute and inserted its flat-end in a key-hole which was marked with the word ‘Flute’. He took my hand and we both found the gate slowly sliding and opening into a sky-like space. As if we were going to jump-down from a plane in a parachute.
“But I have no key with me!”
I was frightened. 
“Choose one from here.”
He pulled-out a bunch of keys from his pocket and gave to me. 
“I can’t take it out from ring. “
I said.
“No need to take any. Just note the mark on the key. And remember it when you have entered your place.”
I chose one and remembered the same.
In a second he clasped me and we both dived-down from the gate into the boundless sky. There was no earth where we could land upon. But in the next few seconds I (in the dream) found myself on my terrace, at the same place where I presently live at.
But I couldn’t understand if this was part of my dream or what I was doing before I came here on my terrace.
But while I was thinking this and was utterly perplexed, I felt I could fly in the sky and was going like an arrow upwards towards sky, and was sure this was the part of dream.
Soon I reached the same gate and found there the gate with many key-holes but had no idea how to open the same and enter. Then I remembered the word which I had noted a while ago.
I uttered the word before the key-hole where was the same was clearly visible to me.
And Lo! The sliding-gate moved and let me in.
There was the guy sitting at the reception-counter, playing his flute with sounds that made me crazy.
“What next?”
I was a bit angry.
You see, who-so-ever comes to me, I tell him how to choose his own accommodation. And the same gate opens by inserting the relevant key at the corresponding key-hole. And the same vent leads them to their desired accommodation, which could be heaven or hell of their own will and choice. Then they enter and forget the mark they themselves had chosen and start quarreling with one-another.
While we were having this dialogue, suddenly I saw a big crowd who had come to that building. They all were there but no one could come near us because of the strong glass-wall that parted them from us (me and him).
When I woke-up it was 4:39 in the morning.
And I had no doubt this time this was really at the place where I am typing this text, not the continuance of the dream. And yes, I do remember my word that was given to me by the flute-player. I hope could utter when I finally leave this place for good.

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