Secluded Hyper-spaces in consciousness.
Question : I had an awesome dream.
Today also (like those many earlier dreams) I was walking on air.
2 inches above the ground. I feel so good whenever I walk like this, ... feel so light! Will you please teach me how to walk upon the air / water for real?
Answer :
Do you remember quark and PHOTON in STRING THEORY? STRING THEORY does not explain gravitational / magnetic or electric 'Fields' satisfactorily. A PHOTON is 'SELF' only. Though we need to explain a bit here, how that is the premise.
A Gravitational, magnetic or electric-field comprising of charged-particles like 'ions' is called a 'Field'. This 'Field' itself is a purely physical hypothetical 'space' and its existence could be proved and accepted beyond doubt by sound reasoning. This way we can imagine / understand the existence of a 'physical' hyper-space that is there to be thought of, discussed and studied about along-with this 3-D Geometrical space which is the basis of defining our 'space'.
STRING THEORY claims to explain what is 'Force' as such. The physical force that causes the matter move. But STRING THEORY does not explain what is this physical space where-in this 'Force' causes this happening.
Science can not refute or deny existence of a consciousness (- presently let us limit this to a living body with a 'brain' and senses.)
This 'brain' though works exactly like a programmed 'computer' with its 'memory' and through memory 'recognition' comes into play. No memory, no recognition And Conversely, no recognition, no memory.
A 'consciousness' presumably this faculty of 'brain', is therefore interplay of memory and recognition only.
Then comes up a specific memory / recognition of a 'me' in the brain.
This memory / recognition is perceived in a 'consciousness' that is not 'me' nor any other memory / recognition.
So, this 'me' is but an assumption and has no real existence.
Though brain works under the sub-ordinate status of this 'me', this 'me' is nevertheless a hypothetical entity only.
The 'consciousness' where-in this whole thing happens though takes no part in this play, is the only evidence of all this working of 'brain'.
Thus we come upon the conclusion that there is a 'space', of the 'consciousness'-kind underlying the different other 'spaces' like geometrical, magnetic, or electric.
'me' exists or not may be a moot question, may be, this could be challenged but 'who' is there that could do so? Because without accepting the existence of a 'consciousness-space' this 'me' remains undefined.
But this all discussion is possible to be carried out while 'one' is awake.
And only when 'one' is awake one can talk about the other states perceived by 'brain' in 'consciousness', and through the relative 'senses of those states 'other than' this waking state.
This gives rise to the axioms that there 'are' other states of brain when it registers and builds up memory and recognition.
It is still doubtful if in those other states does the brain compare and contrast those states with its waking state that it is experiencing just now in this moment.
Whatever be the fact, we arrive at the result that there are sub-spaces in consciousness.
We can also assume by almost every-one's experience that such sub-spaces are mutually exclusive.
When we are awake, we can't dream, when we dream, we can't be awake or sleeping. Like-wise while we are fast asleep, we can't dream or be in a waking state of brain.
And at the same time, our existence never undergoes interruption. We say or don't say 'me', We never say 'I was not' / 'I existed not'. That is a logical and rational proof that whatever we are, exists timelessly.
'Timelessly', because 'Time' too is again consequent to memory and recognition.
'Who' thinks?
This is is the very core-point where 'I' /'self' and 'thought' get confounded and become the mess.
'I think' is the first error because of this confusion.
'Thinking' as such is the functioning of intellect and takes place in brain, a most physical kind of phenomena. On the other hand 'I', -whatever be its reality, is not 'thinking'. So 'thinking' and 'I' are basically things of very different kind.
पतञ्जलि / patañjali in His Treatise on योग / Yoga starts with this very first principle 'वृत्ति' / 'vṛtti', in His first aphorism.
योगश्चित्तवृत्ति निरोधः / yogashcittavṛtti nirodhaH.
Thus when we understand how 'I' is neither a consequence of 'thinking' nor 'thinking' a consequence of 'I', and both these elements / principles are essentially of different kind, the proposition just crumbles down.
The 'thought-space'.
Therefore, we could conveniently define a 'thought-space' associated with every individual 'brain' located in every individual physical body. This thought-space lives 'a life' and is assumed as 'my life'. Though that is a false notion.
Every single 'brain' has its own 'thought-space'.
Even a micro-organism, has a potential brain, a 'program' in the binary language of 'memory' and 'recognition', and this creates in it such a false notion of 'me'.
Assuming every individual 'life' as having matter as its substance that gives it a 'physical' body of mass 'm', and assuming the earth as having the mass 'M', we can deduce the law of Gravitation, in this way :
In the formula
F= g(m.M)/(r)^2, where F= Force of Attraction,
m= mass of a physical body,
M = mass of the Earth,
g = Gravitational Constant,
r= Distance between the two,
If m is 0,
F becomes 0.
But r is still a positive quantity, so that F is never 0 at any instant at the practical level.
Let us postulate, If r could somehow be made negative, F too so could be 'negative.
This means the Force F which is a vector quantity becomes negative.In other words, its 'direction' is reversed', becomes 'opposite', = 180 degrees.
=> F becomes (-)F, The Force of Repulsion.
This could be further postulated to 'happen in the 'hyperspace' that is a 'Thought-space'.
Then the only question "how to synchronize the two 'Forces' so as to achieve a desired balance remains there to be dealt with.
If that could be done, you could sure float upon air or walk upon the waters.
पतञ्जलि / patañjali in His Treatise on योग / Yoga gives another clue to achieve this feet.
String theory postulates 'photons' that are responsible for 'Force'.
Treating Earth as a cosmic hyperspace, and 'me' / 'self' in the individual body, one can identify oneself with the Earth.
This way one is freed from the bondage that Gravitational Force keeps him confined in.This is the end.There is nothing to practice in fact.
Remark :
Walking upon air or water in one's dream indicates an urge to get over this mundane Reality, this physical world of illusion. If this urge is properly and correctly addressed, one could achieve far more Greater results.
Question : I had an awesome dream.
Today also (like those many earlier dreams) I was walking on air.
2 inches above the ground. I feel so good whenever I walk like this, ... feel so light! Will you please teach me how to walk upon the air / water for real?
Answer :
Do you remember quark and PHOTON in STRING THEORY? STRING THEORY does not explain gravitational / magnetic or electric 'Fields' satisfactorily. A PHOTON is 'SELF' only. Though we need to explain a bit here, how that is the premise.
A Gravitational, magnetic or electric-field comprising of charged-particles like 'ions' is called a 'Field'. This 'Field' itself is a purely physical hypothetical 'space' and its existence could be proved and accepted beyond doubt by sound reasoning. This way we can imagine / understand the existence of a 'physical' hyper-space that is there to be thought of, discussed and studied about along-with this 3-D Geometrical space which is the basis of defining our 'space'.
STRING THEORY claims to explain what is 'Force' as such. The physical force that causes the matter move. But STRING THEORY does not explain what is this physical space where-in this 'Force' causes this happening.
Science can not refute or deny existence of a consciousness (- presently let us limit this to a living body with a 'brain' and senses.)
This 'brain' though works exactly like a programmed 'computer' with its 'memory' and through memory 'recognition' comes into play. No memory, no recognition And Conversely, no recognition, no memory.
A 'consciousness' presumably this faculty of 'brain', is therefore interplay of memory and recognition only.
Then comes up a specific memory / recognition of a 'me' in the brain.
This memory / recognition is perceived in a 'consciousness' that is not 'me' nor any other memory / recognition.
So, this 'me' is but an assumption and has no real existence.
Though brain works under the sub-ordinate status of this 'me', this 'me' is nevertheless a hypothetical entity only.
The 'consciousness' where-in this whole thing happens though takes no part in this play, is the only evidence of all this working of 'brain'.
Thus we come upon the conclusion that there is a 'space', of the 'consciousness'-kind underlying the different other 'spaces' like geometrical, magnetic, or electric.
'me' exists or not may be a moot question, may be, this could be challenged but 'who' is there that could do so? Because without accepting the existence of a 'consciousness-space' this 'me' remains undefined.
But this all discussion is possible to be carried out while 'one' is awake.
And only when 'one' is awake one can talk about the other states perceived by 'brain' in 'consciousness', and through the relative 'senses of those states 'other than' this waking state.
This gives rise to the axioms that there 'are' other states of brain when it registers and builds up memory and recognition.
It is still doubtful if in those other states does the brain compare and contrast those states with its waking state that it is experiencing just now in this moment.
Whatever be the fact, we arrive at the result that there are sub-spaces in consciousness.
We can also assume by almost every-one's experience that such sub-spaces are mutually exclusive.
When we are awake, we can't dream, when we dream, we can't be awake or sleeping. Like-wise while we are fast asleep, we can't dream or be in a waking state of brain.
And at the same time, our existence never undergoes interruption. We say or don't say 'me', We never say 'I was not' / 'I existed not'. That is a logical and rational proof that whatever we are, exists timelessly.
'Timelessly', because 'Time' too is again consequent to memory and recognition.
'Who' thinks?
This is is the very core-point where 'I' /'self' and 'thought' get confounded and become the mess.
'I think' is the first error because of this confusion.
'Thinking' as such is the functioning of intellect and takes place in brain, a most physical kind of phenomena. On the other hand 'I', -whatever be its reality, is not 'thinking'. So 'thinking' and 'I' are basically things of very different kind.
पतञ्जलि / patañjali in His Treatise on योग / Yoga starts with this very first principle 'वृत्ति' / 'vṛtti', in His first aphorism.
योगश्चित्तवृत्ति निरोधः / yogashcittavṛtti nirodhaH.
Thus when we understand how 'I' is neither a consequence of 'thinking' nor 'thinking' a consequence of 'I', and both these elements / principles are essentially of different kind, the proposition just crumbles down.
The 'thought-space'.
Therefore, we could conveniently define a 'thought-space' associated with every individual 'brain' located in every individual physical body. This thought-space lives 'a life' and is assumed as 'my life'. Though that is a false notion.
Every single 'brain' has its own 'thought-space'.
Even a micro-organism, has a potential brain, a 'program' in the binary language of 'memory' and 'recognition', and this creates in it such a false notion of 'me'.
Assuming every individual 'life' as having matter as its substance that gives it a 'physical' body of mass 'm', and assuming the earth as having the mass 'M', we can deduce the law of Gravitation, in this way :
In the formula
F= g(m.M)/(r)^2, where F= Force of Attraction,
m= mass of a physical body,
M = mass of the Earth,
g = Gravitational Constant,
r= Distance between the two,
If m is 0,
F becomes 0.
But r is still a positive quantity, so that F is never 0 at any instant at the practical level.
Let us postulate, If r could somehow be made negative, F too so could be 'negative.
This means the Force F which is a vector quantity becomes negative.In other words, its 'direction' is reversed', becomes 'opposite', = 180 degrees.
=> F becomes (-)F, The Force of Repulsion.
This could be further postulated to 'happen in the 'hyperspace' that is a 'Thought-space'.
Then the only question "how to synchronize the two 'Forces' so as to achieve a desired balance remains there to be dealt with.
If that could be done, you could sure float upon air or walk upon the waters.
पतञ्जलि / patañjali in His Treatise on योग / Yoga gives another clue to achieve this feet.
String theory postulates 'photons' that are responsible for 'Force'.
Treating Earth as a cosmic hyperspace, and 'me' / 'self' in the individual body, one can identify oneself with the Earth.
This way one is freed from the bondage that Gravitational Force keeps him confined in.This is the end.There is nothing to practice in fact.
Remark :
Walking upon air or water in one's dream indicates an urge to get over this mundane Reality, this physical world of illusion. If this urge is properly and correctly addressed, one could achieve far more Greater results.
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