Sunday 8 September 2024

The Trans.

The  Average Mind  /  चित्त

Goes through the following five phases :

मूढ  - unconscious.  

When the attention is yet to wake up and is free from the sense of individuality in a perceived world. Where the whole and the individual are undifferentiated.

क्षिप्त  - evolved / conscious. 

Where the attention has just woken up and the sense of the individuality comes up in a perceived world of senses. Like in the case of plants and trees where they are supposed to have only the sense of touch and know / experience the feeling only. A vague sense of just being only.

The same attention gradually grows in the kind of the next five kinds of sensory perceptions, like the smell, sound, taste and sight respectively.

So there is this hierarchy in that order. 

The insects, the tape-worm, the snail, the turtle, the frog and the fish are the next.

Then there are the animals, the birds and finally the humans on this ladder.

With this gradual ramification the five prominent sensory perceptions of them too become refined and subtle.

The same attention that in the beginning was of one kind, namely the touch, then becomes five-fold attention and though the focus of attention keeps on shifting from one to another kind, at a time only one of them governs over the other four. For example :

When you touch, attention is focused on this only and is withdrawn from all the other kinds of senses.

When you taste, the same thing repeats.

And in this way at any time the one of them dominates over the other four. In this way, the different kind of sensory perceptions always follow one-another.

एकाग्र  - centred  / pointed.

But when the attention is voluntarily or involuntarily kept fixed upon only one of them, the attention becomes pointed or centred about that specific perception.

Then you carefully withdraw attention from the other four kinds of the sensory perceptions and try to extend the time for comparatively a longer.

समाहित  - absorbed  / identified with the object of attention.

Because for that much span of Time, all sense of duality  seems to have ceased. It's like the state of deep dreamless sleep, where one enjoys the pure sense of being only and the natural, spontaneous bliss associated with it.

If the object attracts the attention and is very interesting, this rapt attention may give a great indescribable pleasure that remains stored in the memory.

But after a while because of compulsion or some other reason, when the pleasure is no more, attention diverts to another object of attraction.

This state of  mind  can't stay for long still one remembers it for a long time. This may be akin to Trans or samAdhi.

निरुद्ध - controlled.

This one is gained through effort because one realizes that all sensory perceptions howsoever promising and fulfilling don't last and can't stay for ever.

This is the beginning of the practice of Yoga. The aphorism :

अथ योगानुशासनम्।।१।।


The first aphorism, points out how to practice the discipline of Yoga.

The next one for the beginners, defines in the most simple words what Yoga means and is all about.

The above lines describe what are the five phases of Mind. 

It is also equally important to see and understand the consciousness in terms of the three states is something different but deeply related to the these five phases of Mind  /  चित्त.

That will be discussed in the next post :

The Alter-ego 


The Altered states of consciousness.

So that in that perspective, we can better understand the meaning and the significance of the word :




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