Tuesday 3 September 2024

Ego and Alter-ego.

The Ecology


अहं और प्रत्यहं

प्रतीति, अहं-प्रतीति और निरहं-प्रतीति


What Is,

What Exists,

And The One,



What Is, What Exists and The One Who Knows are apparently Three aspects of One and the same Unique Reality only.

What Is, What Exists and The One Who KNOWS are though Three aspects of The One and the same Unique Reality, The One Who KNOWS Is independent of the other two.

The other two aspects are Known, The One Who KNOWS is never The KNOWN.

The One Who KNOWS Is The KNOWING, ever so devoid of All The Known.

Within and from This One Who KNOWS, Within and from The Unique KNOWING, arises the multiplicity of the individuals, all who though wrongly, tend to feel they are different from one-another.

Again, The Known to them is presumed to exist apart from the individual as the oneself and they think (though not in the spoken words) and call this KNOWN :

- The World.

It is really the THOUGHT / THINKING only, which deploys and uses the spoken words and which causes and gives rise to the sense of oneself as the individual; as the KNOWER and all the rest as the KNOWN.

This Apparently Individual KNOWER is the Ego while the KNOWN in this Ego is The Alter-ego - The knowledge, memory  and the Information available to This Ego.

The Ego tries to find out -

What it's all about!

As more it tries to find out, so more gets strengthened as an individual.

The interaction between the Ego and the Alter-ego goes on because the Alter-ego, though a shadow of the Ego, and born of the same Ego can persist and continue for indefinitely so long a time almost for ever! This is the very Ignorance which feeds on itself and grows on and on till for no reason whatsoever, it disappears and the Reality shines forth where there is neither Ego nor the Alter-Ego!

Destiny, Will-Power, Effort and the  Conviction -

नियति, संकल्प, यत्न और निष्ठा --

आरभ्यते जीवजगत्परात्म

तत्वाभिधानेन मतं समस्तम्।।

इदं त्रयं यावदहंमतिः स्यात्


सत्यं मृषा वा चिदिदं जडं वा

दुःखं सुखं वेति मुधा विवादः।।

अदृष्ट लोका निरहंप्रतीतिः

निष्ठाऽविकल्पा परमाऽखिलेष्टा।।५।।

विधेः प्रयत्नस्य च कोऽपि वादः


विधेः प्रयत्नस्य च मूलवस्तु

सञ्जानतां नैव विधिर्न यत्नः।।२१।।



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