An Introduction to :
The Yoga of Patanjali.
The n-dimensional Patanjali-Space.
Mind is the individual's
Where the sense of one's being a self is an n-dimensional point with less than or same as n qualities at a certain moment in time, defined again as the past, future or now.
So all the feelings, emotions, sentiments, are the n qualities, some of then always less than or equal to n in number are the dimensions of the Mind.
vRtti / वृत्ति is a single word that could be given collectively to all them.
So at any certain moment in time, these all dimensions are at play in the Mind, though only one, two or more are the prominent and the others are beyond the point of attention. In mind, though those others could be inactive, can come up at any time on the 'surface', which is the
Conscious Mind.
of the individual.
However, those rest of the kinds that are hidden are collectively called :
The Subconscious Mind.
Again, the accumulated reservoir of all the vRtti / वृत्ति is the
The Unconscious (Mind)
The citta
Is the point that at any moment, moves upon and along the path of only one of the five major vRtti(s) / वृत्ति that are as :
PramANa viparyaya vikalpa nidrA smRti. / प्रमाण विपर्यय विकल्प निद्रा स्मृति
Though The Citta / चित्त
is the same pratyaya / प्रत्यय AbhAsa / आभास that is also and often described variously as
the mana / मन, the buddhi / बुद्धि and the ahamkAra / अहंकार.
It's verily the individual sense of the
self or the ego.
As this sense of the self prevails over all other feelings, emotions and sentiments, and also in the assumed / the imagined future and in the remembered past in the form of the memory, it's always the same though keeps on also as if in movement, so as to say.
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