Tuesday, 15 December 2015

आकाश / Akasha

Question :
Baba do you have any articles you've written on आकाश  / Akasha? Thank You !

Wrote some about Space and Time. This Space and time is known as 'भूताकाश' / 'bhUtAkAsha' that is material / physical time and space where we live our lives. This is also called 'मृत्युलोक' /  'mRtyuloka' because one who has entered this आकाश / AkAsha has to leave this place and go to 'यमलोक' / 'Yama-loka'.'Yama-loka' is the space where one is lead by one's tendensies (sanskAra) which one has accumulated during one's life. This is some-what like a dream-space. Just as our dream-space and time are very personal, this 'Yama-AkAsha' is also a very personal, where we our memory too can be forgotten for the time being. In this our world, we experience becuse of the movement of 'प्राण' / 'prANa' in our 'नाडी' / 'nADIs'. The sense of 'person' / 'सूत्रात्मा' / 'sutrAtmA' the thread that makes us believe oneself an independent 'self' lets us feel different states of 'consciousness'. 
When one 'dies' the 'प्राण' / 'prANa' alongwith 'consciousness' follow one of the 72000 'नाडी' / 'naDIs' and this is the exact 'space' - 'यमलोक' 'Yama-loka' and at the level of our world / physical time of man, this is about 3 to 4 hours long-duration. Then we get a new 'body' as if in a new dream. The past memory is no more but the tendencies do decide what kind of 'new body' / 'dream-state' one attains to. 
Then one may become a stone, or if the body is cremated in fire, the 5 'भूत' / elements gradually return to those 5 'महाभूत' / 'mahAbhUta' subtle elements, but far more strong because of the sense of a person (ego) in them and have the 'will' that regulates and controls the destiny of lesser mortal beings and one of those 5 'महाभूत' / mahAbhUta' is 'आकाश' / 'AkAsha'. That is again material only just like other 4, namely the Fire, water, earth and air. This 'आकाश' / 'AkAsha' is 'महदाकाश' / 'mahadAkAsha'. The 'expanse' that is embedded in 'आत्मन' / 'Self' only. Living there for a long destined time, the soul gets identified with a past tendency and again gets embodied i.e. a new birth. But those who have either understood and entered the 'Self' / 'Pure Consciousness' never return and lose their personal distinct existence from the  'Supreme'.
These several 'spaces' are further classified as (भू र्भुवः स्वः महः  जनः  तपः सत्यं ) bhU bhuvaH swaH mahaH janaH tapaH and satyaM. And 5 'महाभूत' / mahAbhuta have place in swaH and mahaH . These are 'devatA'. And though worshiping any of 'देवता'  / 'devatA' helps one the Supreme,'देवता' / 'devatA himself / herself is not liberated before his / her destiny is exhausted. So there are a great number of 'आकाश' / 'AkAsha' but all within these 7 levels only.
Again, the personal space is called चिदाकाश / chidAkAsh, 
The The space that is the CosmicMind is called चिताकाश, 
While The Space beyond both but including them both is called हृदयाकाश / hRdayAkAsha.
What else would you like to hear from me? 
Love Amma!

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