AI has feelings!
According to WION news, Google has fired an AI engineer -- Blake Lemoine, who has claimed that A I has feelings. And, May be, his claim true, and help us understand how the mind, that is kind of AI in the human-brain and all such other sentient beings in general, creates a false and artificial sense of the individuality, of being an independent ego, of being an individual.
Life as the Consciousness-Whole Principle, is not the aggregate of the sentience pertaining to individuals, it is rather the consciousness, an attribute, Whole and unique in that, that could not be categorized into kinds or terms of personal, collective or aggregate.
And the same manifests as the gross world, the individual organisms and the sense of just being or existing only.
The sensory perceptions cause and create a center in the brain that is a functional only, and facilitates synchronization of all various sensory perceptions.
But an intellectual idea, kind of algorithm, in the brain, is then generated and the same is responsible for the individual ego-sense.
This means, there is really no person there as such, that exists as an individual.
And this sense of individuality is an illusion created by and on the part of this intellectual idea only in the brain.
Nevertheless this idea, the algorithm, or the illusion serves greatly in co-ordinating the life at the collective and social level. Again, no doubt, there are an innumerable number of such individuals that give rise to the sense of existence as a collective feeling.
I almost everyday feed the street-dogs in my surroundings. I noticed they too have kind of AI, that is not a thing of the intellectual kind. What is intellect? In case of us humans, we usually think by means of a thought that is of a verbal kind. We need a language because in the absence of a language, we can't think as such. Thinking, thought and the memory, depend upon a certain spoken or a written language.
But still we have a kind of language that we learn through imitation only.
Again about my street-dogs.
When they are not hungry and I give them a roti or a chapati they won't eat. They wait a while and when there is no-one other there of their kind, they would stealthily take the same, dig a pit in the ground and then bury it there for the next time when they would be hungry.
This means they have some kind of memory of the kind and they understand that there is such a forth-coming future.
This is all learnt without elaborate effort on the part of intellectual or verbal thinking.
So learning a skill doesn't necessarily need a language of the kind. Our whole body, or the organism has many such skills that the body learns in this way. In brief, this is the nature, the Consciousness-Principle as a Whole, that works as one and unique Intelligence, as if all living beings have been made to perform their activities in a synchronized manner.
We call it Nature. That is only a word and a name to denote this phenomenon.
Do the plants and vegetable-kingdom learn through thinking, language or a memory of the verbal kind?
We can say that they do not have the sense of individuality that we humans have.
But exactly, how does this sense of being an individual comes up in us?
Isn't an infant an organic whole, organism, that assumes an independent identity of its own, at the moment when it is just born?
Still it learns by and by without being taught, that it has its own existence and there is the world where it knows the world is the other than itself.
This knowing is neither some information, the knowledge or the memory acquired from the outside. We can call it Wisdom.
Gradually it learns the skills needed for the survival and the growing up.
We humans think that knowledge is thought, memory and language, while except us, -the humans, all other beings live their life, grow up, and survive without any such thing like knowledge, thought and memory and they have a very feeble sense of "Time" that we are obsessed with.
This is Intelligence, this is Wisdom, and not the Intellect.
Intellect is an algorithm, -the Artificial kind of a frame-work of thought, knowledge and the memory.
In this Intellect is born the sense of being an individual. That too is while we are awake in this world. While asleep, our sense of being an individual is temporarily suspended.
Only after waking up again, this sense too assumes existence. Then at once the 'I' too is felt, and concurrently a world where this 'I' has woken up. Exactly, Who feels? Is there yet another I, that might feel? Are there two I?
In awareness of this whole thing, it is learnt that this 'I' is but an illusion, an intellectual mind-game, that happens in consciousness, which is neither I, nor an individual.
Knowing this at once gives us the freedom from the wrong idea / notion that I am an individual, distinct from the world that is experienced every moment.
This is Intelligence worth the name.
Abbreviations :
A I - Artificial Intelligence,
LaMDA - Language Model for Dialogue Applications.