Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Kalki is a phenomenon.

The Known, The Knowledge, 

The Knower and the Knowing.


पाजञ्जल योगसूत्र : समाधिपाद

सूत्र 17

वितर्कविचारानन्दास्मितारूपानुगमात् संप्रज्ञात:।।




वितर्कश्चित्तस्याऽऽलम्बने स्थूल आभोगः। सूक्ष्मो विचारः। आनन्दो ह्लादः। एकात्मिका संविदस्मिता। तत्र प्रथमश्चतुष्टयानुगतः समाधिः सवितर्कः। द्वितीयो वितर्कविकलः सविचारः। तृतीयो विचारविकलः सानन्दः। चतुर्थस्तद्विकलोऽस्मितामात्र इति। सर्व एते सालम्बनाः समाधयः।


In the above commentary in Sanskrit, Sri Shankaracharya explains the kinds of the :

sampragnAta samAdhi, / सम्प्रज्ञात समाधि,  where the experience of ecstasy takes place and the three components of this experience are :

The Experiencing / feeling, The  "one" who supposed to goes through the "experience", and the memory / knowledge of this phenomenon is stored in the brain. These three aspects of the consciousness are the "experiencing", "experience" and "the one who goes through "the experience";

i. e. The "ego" - the sense of being "oneself / individual being. This sense persists throughout all such experiences, like a thread in a garland.

In comparison, when one "knows" this whole phenomenon of "experiencing", the "knowing" attains a higher level, and there,the "knower" is not the ego, but is the "consciousness" only, where one is "conscious".

This "conscious-one" is the underlying, immutable principle, whereas the sense of ego goes through change all the time, moment to moment.

The "knowing", the "knowledge" and the "knower" are the essential constituents of the "ego".

So Knowing is of these two types -

One as the Underlying principle and the another as the person, the individual or the "ego".


वितर्क, विचार, आनन्द  and the अस्मिता  are the four kinds through which such an ecstasy takes place.

This ecstasy is always "time-bound" a state of mind and howsoever exalted and deep, ultimately has to go away.

Now to understand these four kinds we can see four examples :

वितर्क :

This happens in an instant because of some pleasure, shock, excitement, thrill or any other such experience. Even as in deep sleep where one is asleep with great joy and happiness, this bliss persists.

विचार : 

This type is enjoyed by a philosopher, an artist, a mathematician, a scientist and even by a poet, where one feels great joy, exhilaration and for the moment it is like an ecstasy.

आनन्द :

This is the very normal state of the mind  of the well-being and enjoying the peace within oneself that too is lost after some time. Though the memory persists.

अस्मिता :

This is where and when one feels oneself and claims as the unique, the only entity "Who" performs certain actions, "Who" enjoys or suffers the various joys and sorrows, pleasures and pains, and the consequences of one's own or others' deeds.

One "Who" has this memory,  information, memory and the knowledge accordingly, a man of knowledge or an ignorant one.

The last kind is the one, "Who" through the sense of "one-self" possesses and is possessed by one's belongings.

In the Vedanta these four are known as  कर्ता, भोक्ता, ज्ञाता and स्वामी .

Knowing is therefore the consciousness in the two forms as follows :

The first is awareness, while the another is information, memory, recognition.

The "knowing" is independent of "Time" and Time-interval, but the information, recognition and memory are subject to, and with reference to a Time-interval, and cause the illusion in terms of  all the  memory, thought and information.

You are always and ever so Timelessly conscious of things within or without the objects in the mind, that are perceived in the consciousness, independent of the information, memory or the recognition of those objects.

Consciousness is therefore a state of being conscious either with or without the objects in consciousness.

Consciousness is therefore knowing, but it's not a process related to the objects of the attention, whereas the knowing as in the form of the knowledge, information or memory takes place in a certain and a "measurable" Time-interval.

Again, the so-called Time-interval and the "Time" too have only a hypothetical existence, have no substance or essence beyond thought.

"Thought" is though inevitably always a process, subject to and in the assumed,  hypothetical Time.

Therefore "knowing" as consciousness is of two types :

Unrelated to Time and Time-interval, and within and without regard to this "assumed" Time and Time-interval.

The question : "What is Time?"

is therefore a most important and a  relevant question.

Tested on the criteria of the aphorism / Sutra :

विपर्ययो मिथ्याज्ञानमतद्रूपप्रतिष्ठम्।।1.8।।

and the next

शब्दज्ञानानुपाती वस्तुशून्यो विकल्पः।।1.9।।

we see that this hypothetical "Time" is but a word वस्तुशून्यो विकल्पः, with no substance and essence any.

Thought, Thinking and the Thinker.

वितर्कश्चित्तस्याऽऽलम्बने स्थूल आभोगः। सूक्ष्मो विचारः। आनन्दो ह्लादः। एकात्मिका संविदस्मिता। तत्र प्रथमश्चतुष्टयानुगतः समाधिः सवितर्कः। द्वितीयो वितर्कविकलः सविचारः। तृतीयो विचारविकलः सानन्दः। चतुर्थस्तद्विकलोऽस्मितामात्र इति। सर्व एते सालम्बनाः समाधयः।

Who is Kalki /  कल्कि

कलयति स कल्कि। - One who calculates. 

One Who "thinks or thinks over, ponders over is Kalki"., as is evident from the use of the word -  वितर्कविकलः

in the above commentary .

The era of Kalki is "Kalkiyuga or "Kaliyuga".

Presently there is much talk of arrival of the Kalki avatAra of ViShNu. Though all and every state of manifestation is truly  an avatAra of ViShNu, and we tend to believe that we all experience a "common world" , there is not, nor could be such any common world. Knowing the Reality thus helps us in transcending the virtual Reality and then the Absolute Reality shines before us where all differences cease to exist.

The state transcending all apparent states of being oneself and thinking oneself as the other than the world is called Brahman or the Atman  The Transcendent Truth. 


Saturday, 16 November 2024

Two Instances.

Yesterday  and Tomorrow.

This moment that is Now, has neither a past nor any future. The past and the future appear and disappear only in the form of a thought.

Thought arises and dissolves and in between there is silence from where thought emerges out and then merges into. This silence never emerges out nor dissolves. While Thought manifests and assumes a form, it is known in that silence but there is no-one who exists other than the Thought,

Thought itself creates the illusion of one who is supposed to be the independent Thinker .

As in the absence of Thought there is no any such a Thinker, but the continuity of two or more thoughts is responsible for this illusion. Only a silent and watchful mind though can but see how because of the In-attention or the lack of attention, in the absent-mindedness, a spurious Thinker appears to exist.

This is no effort or seeking at all.

What is before the emergence of Thought, during the happening of the Thought and when the Thought has been replaced by yet another Thought, is the one and the same unique underlying principle that neither emerges nor subsides.

So-called Past and Future are but the names of the hypothetical states happening in the timeless present / now. 


Thursday, 7 November 2024

Idolaters / प्रतिमा पूजक

Iconoclast and The Idolaters.

वह अनिर्वचनीय, दिव्य, चिरन्तन और शाश्वत परम ईश्वरीय सत्ता!


जिसने भी अपने भीतर-बाहर उस दिव्य चिरन्तन सत्ता का साक्षात्कार कर लिया उसे यद्यपि उसकी कोई प्रतिमा बनाने की आवश्यकता न रही हो, किन्तु केवल उस सत्ता के प्रति केवल अनुग्रह और अहोभाव प्रकट करने ही के लिए शायद उसकी ऐसी कोई प्रतिमा बना भी सकता है।

किन्तु वह, जिसने अपने भीतर या बाहर भी ऐसी किसी सत्ता का साक्षात्कार नहीं किया हो निरन्तर ही दुराग्रह से प्रेरित, सशंकित, असंतुष्ट और क्षुब्ध रहने से यह कभी समझ भी नहीं सकता और प्रतिमा-पूजा करनेवाले के प्रति क्रोध, द्वेष और संभवतः ईर्ष्या से भी ग्रस्त होकर स्वयं अपने ही महाविनाश को आमंत्रित करता है। दूसरी ओर, प्रतिमा बनाकर उसकी पूजा करनेवाला इस सबसे अप्रभावित और अक्षुब्ध रहकर निर्विकार, उदासीन भाव से उस सत्ता के प्रेम में उससे अनन्य हो उसमें ही निमग्न रहता है। और तब भी संसार में भी बस आश्चर्य विमुग्ध होकर, उस सत्ता के ही दर्शन किया करता है। 



Saturday, 2 November 2024

बहुत पुराना एक प्रश्न!

अभिषेक तिवारी शो 

कभी कभी मेरे दिल में सवाल उठता है!  

2009 से मैंने कंप्यूटर पर ब्लॉग लिखना शुरू किया था।  उद्देश्य केवल यही था कि इस माध्यम को कैसे प्रयोग में लाया जाता है यह समझ सकूँ। इस वीडियो को देखते हुए वह प्रश्न जो मेरे मन में पुनः उठा। मुझे लगता है कि भगवान की भक्ति करते करते संयोगवश क्या कोई कथावाचक बन सकता है? 

वैसे मैंने कभी इस पर नहीं सोचा क्योंकि मुझे लगता है कि यह तो हर किसी का अपना अपना स्वभाव है। मैं यह भी सोचता हूँ कि अपनी प्रबल आन्तरिक प्रेरणा से मैंने श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज के मराठी निरूपणों (शिक्षाओं) के स्व. मॉरिस फ्रीडमन द्वारा किए गए अंग्रेजी में किए गए संकलन -


को ठीक से पढ़ने और अच्छी तरह से समझने की दृष्टि से ही इस ग्रन्थ का हिन्दी अनुवाद किया था, जिसे वर्ष 2001 में चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई,

chetana.com Mumbai 

ने  अहं ब्रह्मास्मि शीर्षक से प्रकाशित किया।

वैसे यह भी सच है कि मुझे किसी भी प्रकार से और किसी से भी धर्म और अध्यात्म की चर्चा करने में कदापि कोई रुचि नहीं है। और न ही किसी का फॉलोवर (follower) या फैन (fan) बनने में ही मेरी जरा सी भी रुचि है। मैं किसी भी प्रकार का धार्मिक या आध्यात्मिक प्रवचन भी नहीं करता। किसी से कोई विवाद भी नहीं करना चाहता। किसी की आलोचना, निन्दा या प्रशंसा भी नहीं करता। वैसे मैंने अनुवादक की भूमिका में कुछ विशिष्ट रचनाओं का अंग्रेजी से हिन्दी में अनुवाद भी किया है जिन्हें अपने ब्लॉग्स में प्रस्तुत भी किया है किन्तु मैंने न तो किसी प्रकार से ब्लॉग्स को  monetize  ही किया है, न कभी अपने अनुवाद कार्य के लिए पारिश्रमिक की मांग ही किसी से कभी की। यद्यपि मुझे कृष्णमूर्ति फॉउन्डेशन से तथा श्री रमण आश्रम से कुछ आर्थिक सहयोग 

honorarium  या  remuneration 

के रूप में अवश्य प्राप्त हुआ है जो किसी भी दृष्टि से मेरे द्वारा मेरे लिए किए जानेवाले दिन प्रतिदिन के आवश्यक व्ययों की पूर्ति के लिए अल्पप्नराय ही है, और मैं तो उसे केवल प्रसाद-भाव से ही अमूल्य मानकर स्वीकार / शिरोधार्य करता हूँ।

किन्तु अभिषेक तिवारी के उपरोक्त लिंक को देखने पर इस बारे में जरूर यह प्रश्न मेरे मन में आया कि

क्या धर्म और अध्यात्म मनोरंजन और प्रचार प्रसार का विषय, आजीविका या व्यवसाय हो सकता है?

धर्म और अध्यात्म क्या व्यक्ति की अपनी उत्कंठा, उत्सुकता, और खोज नहीं होता? हो सकता है कि इसके लिए वह किसी गुरु या सम्प्रदाय से जुड़े किन्तु तब इसका प्रचार प्रसार करने की आवश्यकता ही कहाँ हो सकती है?

मुझे लगता है कि धर्म और अध्यात्म का प्रचार प्रसार करने की कल्पना ही नितान्त अधार्मिक और हेय है। हाँ आप धर्म और अध्यात्म की रक्षा करने के लिए कुछ करें तो वह अवश्य स्तुत्य और सराहनीय भी है।

पिछले 1000 वर्षों में जिस प्रकार सनातन धर्म पर विदेशियों और विधर्मियों द्वारा आक्रमण और आघात किया जाता रहा है, उसका प्रतिरोध किया जाना तो हमारा पावन कर्तव्य ही होना चाहिए। कथावाचक क्या इस भूमिका का बेहतर निर्वाह नहीं कर सकते?


Monday, 28 October 2024

The Virtual Self.

A Philosophy Of Existence.

Sri Ramana Maharshi uttered a few verses in Tamizh Language that He Himself or His devotees compiled in the form of the Text of 

(உள்ளது நாற்பது)

A disciple and devotee of Sri Ramana translated the same into Sanskrit, with the title :


T. M. P. Mahadevan

Erstwhile Head of the Department of Philosophy, Madras University,

Wrote down a commentary on the same with the title :

Sri Ramana Maharshi, (and His) 

The Philosophy of Existence.

Today is the 29th October 2024.

Going through my own thought-process which is like of a common man, thinking of and about my own existence as a self, I too in my own way, tried to give words to my own Philosophy of :

The Philosophy of Virtual Existence of the self.

Based upon this theme I could compare 'myself' as an adopted child of my own parents that I found in this world when I was born with this name.

Like and every other person, I too had my mother and father in this world. But they were my physical parents and the mother-father. However I could also say I discovered one another couple, who I could call my virtual parents of "myself".

I can say this body-mind complex that caused myself  - the sense of "myself" in me; as a particular individual being, in the world - are my virtual parents that gave birth to me - "the virtual myself".

Therefore I see this is also true for all and every individual soul on the earth.

I can also say that though physically an individual person has either a male or a female body,  this body-mind complex could be said to be a couple where either of the body and the mind could play the role of being either a mother or a father accordingly as individual has a physical body in the form of either a male or a female.

For example - I'm a male person, as my this body is a male, I could say this body is my virtual father while my mind is my virtual mother.

Therefore, I think, as every-one has this body-mind complex as one's identity in this world, one can accordingly say who out of the two, the body and the mind is one's virtual father and who the other is the virtual mother.

The two are indeed a committed couple, who adopted me - the virtual self, myself, and I don't exist apart from any of them both together.

Therefore I see my existence in the world is consequential to their existence and I have none other independent identity of my own.

And as I was inspired by and wrote my thinking, while I was going through and trying to understand the above-referred text, I feel, I'm really blessed in a way. 


Saturday, 26 October 2024

Ants at work.

The Spontaneity of the Moment,

and The Layers of Ignorance.

Observation is the spontaneous nature of the Observer. 

The manifestation begins with this split in the consciousness. With the split, Time and Space together appear to exist as the Observed , while the  consciousness thus split is the Silent Observer and also as an Observer of the manifest observed. This virtual split is then reflected within any sentient physical body and the individual as an existence independent in a world assumes the form of a "person".

As soon as all this has taken place, the consciousness as the Observer within a certain physical and sentient form, Life  happens, though it always existed even before this split in consciousness could take place. Because Time and Space were the one and the same "Known" and "The Observed", the person, or the individual was a temporary phase of the moment,  a Spontaneity only. 

While observing an ant, it looks though the ant may have perhaps the sense of smell, touch and taste, it lacks the sense of sight and hearing. In comparision of an ant, there are various other insects who have the sense of a well developed sight and hearing which enables them equipped better to face the challenges of life moment to moment. They can escape or avoid as soon as they feel there is any danger to their being and respond to it, while the ants often fail until felt through the sense of tough, smell or the taste.

Accordingly all living beings haveless or more a sense of cognisance too but more evolved have a better developed memory of the "experiences" they go through in the process of living the life. They could therefore imagine something like a past and an associated information / memory that is but there because of this assumed "past". The past is therefore the memory and conversely the memory is the name of this said past. It is thus a mechanism only and the mechanism functions in its own independent way.

This mechanism is thus independent of the apparent and the assumed Time and Space in the memory / the said past.

However in a more evolved an animal or any living being, a structured memory is there, in the form of a record, as a kind of an audio-visual information stored up in its brain. Though there may be a slight hint of Time and a Future, it's hardly as vivid as in the case of so-called the most evolved species like the humans. And just because as the humans have developed kind of an easy or a complicated way of expressing and communicating through this instrument which we call Language, they can store up the past / information regarding their experiences in this kind or format, they tend to believe they are better equipped to face and to respond the challenges of life. Wonderful, this can sure help them in living comfortably the life, but the moment they think about the wants and needs, of the desires and the  fears in the anticipated future, they're at a loss because though they can imagine the future, can hardly "Sense" the same. They can speculate like a less-developed animal through memory but can never have a "vision" about and of the same in the present moment, While it's only the present moment that inevitably forces them to think accordingly and to behave or act so. In other words, we are Blind  to the future but cover up our blindness under the name of "Knowledge" stored up in the form of the information or the memory. Moreover, We are also Blind to our Blindness. Our blindness consists of the false pride of the verbal knowledge that we have developed  in a system of information. This Knowledge so acquired causes even more anxiety, apprehension and fear of the unknown, anticipated imaginary "future" that though we can never see nor perceive at all. Again, we are also Blind to the reality that this anxiety too is a phase only, repeatedly arising and disappearing in our mind, because the Mind itself is a composite of Knowledge and consciousness. 

Mind is not only the "knowledge", or the "observed" but is also the "Observer", the underlying consciousness,"conscious" of itself.

Mind  is such an incomprehensible and strange Reality comprising of both the dead matter / the material object as well as the Life - the Live Awareness also.

Driven by sheer memory / knowledge / information, the mental construct, our hopes, desires and fears, born out of our imagination only, we constantly create our own conflicts, misery all the time.

The Spontaneous Moment, devoid of all so-called past and future however never inflicts upon us all this strife, agony and the anxiety.

🐜 🐜 ...🐜 ...🐜 🐜 🐜 ....🐜 🐜 🐜 .......



Saturday, 5 October 2024


अभी 12:40 के कुछ समय बाद,


श्रीमद्भागवद्महापुराण द्वादश स्कंध श्लोक 18 एवं 24 का अवलोकन किया! 

श्लोक 18 कुछ इस प्रकार से है :

यदा चन्द्रश्च सूर्यश्च यदा तिष्य बृहस्पति। 

उपरोक्त श्लोक में वैदिक "लॉक" है।

उस "लॉक" को खोला तो पता चला कि "तिष्य"  शब्द "भविष्यति" / "भावी" के वर्तमान रूप का सूचक है। तात्पर्य यह कि ज्योतिषीय गणना के अनुसार जब सूर्य, चन्द्र और बृहस्पति एक ही राशि पर होंगे, उस समय कलियुग समाप्त हो चुका होगा, किन्तु वह राशि ठीक ठीक कौन सी और वर्ष भी ठीक ठीक कौन सा है, इसे जानने हेतु कुछ और जानकारी प्राप्त की जाना वाँछित है,  क्योंकि लगभग प्रतिवर्ष ही ऐसा कोई समय अवश्य ही उपस्थित होता है। अतिरिक्त जानकारी संभवतः इसी अध्याय में प्राप्त हो सकती है।

पुनः इसी अध्याय के 24 वें श्लोक में दी गई जानकारी के अनुसार कल्कि के अवतार (संभवतः) वही व्यक्ति हैं, जिनका नाम पंडित श्री काशीनाथ मिश्र है।

यह सब मेरा अनुमान मात्र है, किन्तु मैं नहीं कह सकता कि मेरा अनुमान कितना सत्य या असत्य है। संभवतः यह सब कपोल कल्पना ही हो। वैसे अन्य संकेतों और समय के लक्षणों से यह प्रतीत होता है कि यह जानकारी अवश्य ही सत्य है।

इस आधार पर कहा जा सकता है कि इस समय वर्तमान में कलियुग समाप्त हो चुका है। यद्यपि इस बारे में पता नहीं कि कल्कि अवतार कौन है? 

इस बारे में मेरा कोई आग्रह या दावा नहीं है।
