Saturday, 28 December 2024

The Yesterday!

In the next 75 hours

This year will be no more! 

Yesterday was a glimpse into the coming next year!

In the morning, there were a few light grey clouds scattered in the sky. Went for the usual morning stroll along the river.

Standing on the old bridge, watching the traffic on the new one on the four lane.

The river was flowing between it's two bank, oblivious of the traffic and so many vehicles that were passing over onto the new bridge.

Standing on the old one where there was no one. Occasionally a vehicle would be there and would be gone in few seconds.

It was a Saturday. Watching, waiting for  the rising sun my glance was driven onto the another bank. There is a Temple on that side.

Some two months ago I had spotted this. A temple dedicated to Saturn, where a shining Black-stone idol of Saturn carved out into the Planet God. Twice or thrice I had to go to check what God it might be.

Carefully seeing it, I could discern a crow upon which the deity was seen, with two beautiful eyes, a slight noticeable squint in one of the eyes, as is often described in the texts of Indian classical astrology.

Then I took two or three snaps, came to my place and checked from Google. 

Oh Yes! It was the same. 

Facing east, there are two bridges on the other side where the sun rises everyday.

Maybe you know The Saturn is the son of The Sun. सूर्य / The Sun, The Planet God has  संज्ञा / samjnA as His Divine consort.

Sun is given the status of the Self  of the Universe; samjnA is synonymous of the Consciousness - the knowing aspect of the Self.

इमं विवस्वते योगं प्रोक्तवानहमव्ययम्।।

विवस्वान् मनवे प्राह मनुरिक्ष्वाकवेऽब्रवीत्।।

एवं परम्पराप्राप्तमिमं राजर्षयो विदुः।।

स कालेनेह महता योगो नष्टः परन्तप।।२।।

Gita chapter 4, stanza 1 thus describes how the Supreme Intelligence conveyed the knowledge of Yoga to Sun /  विवस्वान्  who in turn gave it to  मनु  /  Manu. Then  Manu taught the same to 

इक्ष्वाकु  / ikshwaku and therefrom this knowledge of Yoga was handed over to traditionally to the next generations of the Kings.

However because of the effect of the Divine  काल / KAla, the Great TIME as The God, This knowledge of Yoga was gradually lost to the humans of the next generations, ..

(And the same Knowledge of Yoga was then retold to

Arjuna / अर्जुन  by भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण /  Bhagawan Shrikrishna as is found in the Gita.

According to a story as narrated in the SkandapuraNa, sanjnA couldn't bear the hot temperament forget Sun, once left the Sun and went to Vishwakarma, who was her father. The father didn't allow her to live and stay at his home so she left father's house and went into deep forests to perform austerities / तपस्

Meanwhile she had carved out an image of herself, named ChhAyA, who could serve Sun and their children Yama and YamunA.

The story further tells that ChhAyA gave birth to Saturn, The River TApI and the SAwarNi Manu सावर्णि मनु  (the literal meaning is : One exactly similar to Manu, and again the same translates to 

इम् मनु-ल  Im-Manu-la or - Emmanuel in some other languages like Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Arabic too.

ChhAyA is consciousness as is in all the living beings, while samjnA संज्ञा is the pure unadulterated consciousness of the Self / Atman / आत्मन् 

Sun, searching for samjnA संज्ञा / found her in the form of a mare, grazing alone in the deep forests. Therefore Sun took the form of a horse and accompanied her. The couple gave birth to अश्विनौ  / ashvinau (from where we get the word -"equinox").

Then Sun came back to His place in the Celestial sphere of the Universe.

Standing upon the old bridge this whole story flashed before my mental eyes.

I could see Saturn on the right side of me, and Sun in the left. You can see how in the morning the sun-rays shower onto the face of Saturn.

The father and the Son looking at each other!

Just can't guess what the two might have felt like!

This was what happened Yesterday.

In the afternoon the clouds gathered all around in the sky and during the time before sunset, there were heavy showers.

I slept for an hour.

Went for a fast stroll in the evening to buy some breakfast items and returned even faster to my place.

Today is The Sunday, December 29 of the year 2024.

Within the next 75 hours,

This year will be gone for ever, never to return!

Yesterday, and for so many more days I had been watching on YouTube, how the next year 2025 might be dangerous and  devastatingly destructive from the point of fate of the whole world.

On 29th March 2025, exactly 3 months from today, six planets will be in the star sign Pisces ♓,  Jupiter in the Taurus ♉,  and the dragons tail (Ketu) in the Virgo ♍. The configuration somewhat similar to one that was on the 26th Dec. 2019.

I can imagine how on the fulcrum of the  Jupiter, one single dragon's tail on the one side in the Virgo ♍ and the other six planets in the Pisces ♓, would cause a great imbalance in the scales of the earth.

From 29th of March 2025 to the 10th of the April 2025, the earth will be tilted on its axis, no doubt.

I'm worried 😟 but not scared at all, for I often want to see what really happens in that fateful day! 

No predictions, but I do believe the world is going through a great change.

Who-so-ever survive,  will be a witness!!

All the Best to everyone Though!


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