Thursday, 28 September 2023


Ashtavakra Gita

Chapter 17

Verse 15

I left that place on 23rd May. 

I had a copy of this ಕನ್ನಡ  text published by : 

The Erstwhile Maharajah of Mysore,

Elaboratedly anointed by no other than Maharshi Sri Ramana with Sanskrit trans-scription of The text in the ಕನ್ನಡ .

With this, the English Translation of the same as well.

The Sanskrit text and translation of the text into the English was a great help to me in learning the ಕನ್ನಡ  script.

This was during the years 2004-2005.

Since long I somehow procrastinated putting this on my blogs.

As already said, on the 21st May 2023, I left that place. I was missing the book, was just unable to write down the next posts. 

Fortunately yesterday night a friend shared with me the following link :

Where you could find all the important Vedika texts. 

The Ashtavakra Gita is also there.

This means I need worry no more for posting the next, the rest of the verses.

Still per chance if I could, I would sure.


Monday, 25 September 2023

The "Blues" in Relationships.

"I'm O.K You're O.K."


While I was in the job, after my promotion, I had to undergo and attend the first training course for introduction and orientation to the Management Cadre.

There I came across this famous book with the above title. Though don't remember the author's name, I liked the topic.

As much as far I could understand, I felt it was quite an appropriate title to go through and learn about the management.

I'm not very sure but think this book deals with something like the child-ego, the adult-ego, the parent-ego and equally so also about the adopted-child ego.

Though I don't see this classification of much use, it helps us in understanding the way we interact with the people,  - known, unknown, relatives and strangers.

This book may perhaps help us in learning "Communication-Skills and Organisation Behavior" as well.

Not only in an organizational environment,  but also in our day to day dealings with the people everywhere.

Coming into contact with a person, thought, idea / ideology or any such a thing, implies an interaction between two or more number of conscious entities. This conscious entity, the sentient one may be called "ego". While the another one may be either another ego or an insentient material object only. And in  between are there the "abstract" notions, like the feelings, the emotions, the sentiments, memory, thoughts and the rest.

Whenever we come into such a contact, the ego once comes into play and may take any of the following three / four forms :

The child-ego,

The adult-ego,

The parent-ego and / or

 The adopted-child ego.

While coming into contact with any person, a Manager has always to face this situation where the two persons have to interact with one-another. 

A manager has always to play this dual role, of an intermediary. Where he is neither the whole-sole authority, master of the business nor the slave to the customer. He is only in the capacity and role of the facilitator who renders the services. If he has no confusion about this he could relate with the employer and the customers in a satisfactory way.

Extending this logic to the worldly behavior, we see that lack of proper communication is just because of the kind of the ego of the two persons who need to connect in another such a way that there is no confusion or kind of misunderstanding any between them.

If one of them has kind of the adult-ego and another of the child-ego and both are aware of this reality, there will be communication between them. But in case both have the ego of the same kind; say child-ego or the adult-ego, there may be disturbances and not so much meaningful communication may take place.

Most often this is the first and the only cause of misunderstanding, dissatisfaction and the  strife. Whatever be the situation, one can see if not needed one can safely keep away from such a situation.

The case of an adopted-child is however easy to resolve.

So in all relationships whether between any two or more persons (organisation) this may be of great help for everyone to see how to relate in an appropriate way.


Tuesday, 12 September 2023

धरती के बेटे

।।पुत्रोऽहं पृथिव्याः।।


संभवतः इसी ब्लॉग में मैंने विक्रम और प्रज्ञान की कथा लिखी है। किस प्रकार चन्द्रयान -2 चन्द्रमा की कक्षा में पहुँचा और उसने विक्रम को चन्द्रमा की सतह पर उतार दिया। किन्तु चन्द्रमा की सतह को छूने के लिए उतावले विक्रम का संतुलन बिगड़ने से वह वहीं लुढ़क गया था। धरती युगों युगों से उसके बेटे चन्द्रमा का हृदय टटोलने के लिए उत्सुकता से प्रतीक्षा कर रही थी। वेद जानते हैं कि धरती स्मृति है जो पदार्थ है। चन्द्रमा मन है जो पृथ्वी से उत्पन्न हुआ है। मन भी तो स्मृति की ही संतान है! पुरुष-सूक्त के अनुसार भी मन का जन्म चन्द्रमा से हुआ है। विलोम न्याय (conversely) से चन्द्रमा का जन्म मन से हुआ है, इस दृष्टि से और पुरुषस्यापरिणामित्वात् के अनुसार भी "चन्द्रमा मनसो जातः" से दोनों ही अर्थ ग्रहण किए जा सकते हैं। सूक्ष्म और स्थूल दोनों ही एक ही कारण के दो रूप हैं और उन दोनों में से कौन किससे हुआ यह प्रश्न ही असंगत है। इस दृष्टि और अर्थ में सूक्ष्म, स्थूल तथा कारण पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं।

वेद के अनुसार चन्द्रमा और मंगल दोनों पृथ्वी की संतानें हैं। स्थूल चन्द्रमा पृथ्वी तत्व है तो सूक्ष्म चन्द्रमा पृथ्वी का अन्तर्मन है। जो पृथ्वी पर जीवन है, वही चन्द्रमा के रूप में सोम, रस, और सोमरस है। सूर्य प्राण और चन्द्रमा रयि है। मंगल भूमि से उत्पन्न होने से भौम कहलाता है। इससे भी विलोम-न्याय से देखें तो मंगल पर जीवन होने की संभावना बहुत अधिक है।

वेद कारण-ब्रह्म, पुराण सूक्ष्म ब्रह्म, और स्मृतियाँ ही स्थूल अर्थात् कार्य-ब्रह्म या प्रत्यक्ष-ब्रह्म हैं। चन्द्रमा ही मन और मन ही चन्द्रमा है।

विक्रम पराक्रम या मंगल / भौम है। प्रज्ञान या विज्ञान आज के युग का साइन्स, तकनीक, सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी है। प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म से भी इसकी पुष्टि होती है।

इसरो / ईश्वर / ईश्वरो (वर्च्युअल ईश्वर) ने यदि चन्द्रयान के लैंडर और रोवर को विक्रम और प्रज्ञान नाम प्रदान किए हैं तो क्या यह अनुमान गलत होगा कि यह पूरा ही अभियान किसी ईश्वर (ब्रह्मा?) द्वारा पहले से सुनिश्चित विधान के अनुसार ही हो रहा होगा!

क्या यह कल्पना करना कठिन है कि अवश्य ही धरती के हृदय में पल रही अभिलाषा ही और अपने पुत्र के प्रति वात्सल्यपूर्ण पुत्र-प्रेम ही रहा होगा जिसकी अभिव्यक्ति चन्द्रमा को दुलारने के लिए मनुष्य के मन में इस रूप में हुई होगी!

और क्या चन्द्रमा ने भी इसका प्रत्युत्तर नहीं दिया, जिसे प्रज्ञान ने भूकम्प तरंगों के रूप में पहचानते हुए अंकित भी कर इसरो के वैज्ञानिकों तक प्रेषित भी कर दिया! 


Saturday, 9 September 2023

Mind, Consciousness

... And The Reality.


Like the body, mind too is an instrument, is governed by the cause and result rule.

It is important to note that though the two are instruments, the consciousness is never an instrument but the light accompanying all the activities of the body-mind complex. Just as there is this light behind and in the background of the mobile screen, handset or in a computer system. Though we could say the light is controlled by something else, the body, mind and the brain cannot have even the slightest hint (or idea?) what something might be there. 

All that happens to the body-mind-complex is known in the consciousness while it itself is not affected in any way. Could it be said that the consciousness, as the light behind in the background flickers, becomes strong or weak during the various activities that may happen to the body-mind-complex?

One can certainly arrive at this conclusion that what governs the whole functioning of the body-mind-complex is something such a thing that remains unaltered throughout.

Could this something may be called Reality

Or Rather, - the Immutable Reality ?

Though we can't know it's nature and the characteristics we can't deny or refute its existence.

We can also reason out that it is neither the activity nor inert, the idle inactivity of the kind. In the Vedantik parlance these three attributes are called रजस् rajas, तमस् tamas, and सत् sat respectively.

In Physics, the same three could be said to have analogy with energy, matter and light.

So these three attributes are the nature what in the Vedantik parlance is called the three guNa, the characteristics though themselves have no guiding principle 

The three attributes decide and control and regulate this whole functioning of the body, the mind and the consciousness and are the subtler, causal aspects only.

The Underlying Reality  as a principle, may be known and understood too, but may not be described satisfactorily well.
