Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Sekal Niskala / सकल / sakala / निष्कल / niṣkala

Sekal / Niskala / सकल /  sakala  / निष्कल / niṣkala

Letter To a friend :
(Who has attained a level of maturity,
where could discover the inherent Beauty, Grandeur,
and Eternal Bliss within one's own heart.)
सकल /  sakala in Sanskrit means Total, the whole existence in latent and manifest form.
निष्कल / niṣkala in Sanskrit means that is ever chaste, virgin, untouched, pristine.
निष्कल / niṣkala is manifest and is perceived as  सकल /  sakala.
So, सकल /  sakala is the form plus essence, where-as निष्कल / niṣkala is pure essence, the substratum only.
The two are but aspects of Reality.
By the way,
if you have found this calm, peace and the sense of fulfillment,
I would suggest,
if possible let it sink deep in you.
Let yourself sink in this peace, tranquility.
This is meditation.
And when you are saturated,
you can carry it with you anywhere,
where-ever you go.
And don't fritter away this treasure,
in trifle worries of the world and the person,
you think you live in.
There are physical needs,
that one should address and satisfy if possible,
Then, there is the spiritual need that is satisfied itself when it becomes a sincere urge,
and in addition,
there are mental needs that keep growing.
And even if some are satisfied, others remain and grow.
Realize that all mental needs are temporary and superficial,
and one should / can conveniently ignore most of them,
It is better and even needed not getting carried by them,
which is only a way of destroying oneself.
Regards and Love.

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