Sunday, 22 September 2019

भाषा-विधा / भाषा-विद्या

तअव्वुन, तअय्युन, तख़य्युल 
मैं नहीं जानता कि ये तीन शब्द उर्दू, फारसी या अरबी तथा उनसे मिलती-जुलती भाषाओं में कहाँ तक और किस अर्थ में सार्थक हैं, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि इनकी संस्कृत व्युत्पत्ति कुछ यूँ हो सकती है :
तर, तल, तम,
त - ,
अव - ,
उन - ,
त - ,
अय - ,
उन - ,
उल् / उल,
इसी तरह का एक शब्द है :
अव्वल ;
जिसकी संस्कृत व्युत्पत्ति
अव - अल/ अल्
की तरह की जा सकती है।
भाषा-विधा  / भाषा-विद्या

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Cliché & Kitsch (Who's Life -2).

Sir... Sir, ... Please..., Could Honesty be basic or secondary? It is either there and is revealed in behavior or it is just absent. This does not mean you are dishonest. May be you have other priorities. Isn't Honesty clarity and sincerity? Isn't Honesty simplicity that spontaneously finds expression in actions? Isn't this the culture and the social ethics, imposed norms that we try to judge others and one's own actions? Is not this that makes the situation rather complicated and then confusion and misunderstanding follow?
Good Morning!
Cliché & Kitsch
It has been a challenge for me to write a new blog-post without being accused of using a style / language that has not been redundant, outdated, and obsolete.
But I do feel  I should accept this challenge.
The window with that wasp-net in the upper top-left corner is crowded with wasps. Many trying to expand it, bringing the material needed to do so; -Mainly the mud. I see, some bring mud-balls like the mud-ball that is pushed by a beetle. Occasionally one or two bigger-ones bring shining-black balls that look like insects without limbs. They are placed in one of the cells in the hive. The mouth of the cell is sealed with the wax-like substance and after some time the insect in the cell breaks open and comes out in the form of a baby-wasp.
In this hot scorching heat, I tried to see if I could somehow chase away them.
I put a mirror in the window in such a way so that the reflected sun-light could shine over their nest.  And suddenly saw they were in a great fury. And in seconds, some of them were bringing water-drops in their tentacles. Shining oval crystals of water. I at once removed the mirror.
But I was happy to see they do have a collective-mind that works through them as if many organs of a system well-synchronized.
Next moment I could not stop myself from laughing aloud.
I was comparing man’s wisdom in comparison to their.
We, who think we bi-pads are the most evolved, evolutionary and revolutionary creatures seemed to be on a lower rung.
We have discovered wars and sophisticated war-systems that could easily destroy all / life on the earth. Yet we think in groups. In terms of ideologies, that varies from one another to a great extent. We call them ‘religion’. Like-wise we have political-ideologies too.