किम् किङ्क किंकरो च,
बभूवापभ्रंशो किंग King।
’वि’ प्रत्ययवाचेर्क्विन्,
क्वीनेति Queen नाम भार्यायाः ।
यमः यमस् वा जेम्स, James
अधिवर्तः तु एडवर्डो Edward ।
अवलीयसा-वत् एलिज़ाबेथ, Elizabeth
विस्तर / विस्तार / विष्टारः> Victor / Victoria ॥
हे नृ नराः हेनरी Henry अपि,
गार्ग्य जॉर्जो George अपि तथा ।
रुद्र रौद्रो रौद्रकाः च
रोड्रिको Rodrick रौद्रिग Rodrigo इति ॥
विलीयन् विलियम् William भूत्वा,
वर्त-व्यर्थो च फ़ोर्डो Ford असौ ।
इति आंग्ल राजवंशो,
प्रादुर्बभूव आर्यनामभिः ॥
यथा (ॐ) ओम् आम्-तुल्यो,
पोपो (Pope) पापवत्तथैव ।
चर्चिताः अर्चिताः चापि,
चर्च Church कैथोलिक ख्रीस्तौ ॥
गव्हर् नृ > Govern,
गव्हर् नृ मन्त > Govern-ment,
प्रकोष्ठः > पैगोडा,> Pagoda
प्रगृह्यो > पैगोडा, > Pagoda
गुहा > गुफा > Cove > Cave, खोह, कुहर, गव्हर, ...
Levels of Exactitude.
For many reasons, my system lacks UPS.
And I have to bear with the unexpected consequences.
At any moment the power can go-off for a split second and if I have not ‘saved’ the present data, it just vanishes. And I have discovered a strange reality. Say, a fact.
An old friend was very much sick of his wife. And would say,
“I have solid reasons to divorce her in the sixtieth fraction of a second.”
I felt this was sarcastic way of speaking only.
But my system let me come across this new reality.
(Is reality new or old?)
As a student of Physics I knew the A.C. has a frequency of 50 cycles per second.
That means, in every second the phase difference between the hot wire and the neutral alternates 50 times. That is again an average. This may vary between 40 (say) and 60, but the average is 50.
So when my system at once goes off because of a fault in power-supply, -even for a sixtieth part of a second, it just comes to a stand-still / ‘starts’-position.
This means my system is ‘sensitive’ to the sixtieth part of a second.
When I realized this fact, I also felt, my friend’s claim was no exaggeration.
He meant what he said.
I could also believe, Prana (प्राण, हिंदी कॉमिक्स लेखक) was not over-emphasizing when he used to say in his comics
"चाचा चौधरी का दिमाग कम्प्यूटर से भी तेज चलता है !"
“Chacha Caudhary ka dimag computer se bhee tez chaltaa hai !”
This I call Level of exactitude of the Reality as is perceived by different people.
हिंदुत्व / Hindutva -the myth
हन् > हनति, हिनस्ति in संस्कृत / Sanskrit means 'to kill'.
There is another root 'जन्' 'जनयति' in संस्कृत that means 'to bear / to be born', to come into 'being'. This 'be' itself has 'भू' / 'bhoo' as the Sanskrit root, meaning the same i.e.'to bear / to be born', to come into 'being'.
Interesting to note that 'जन्' becomes 'जन्तु' meaning animal / creature, in Sanskrit.
Like-wise 'हन्' > 'हिनस्ति' > हिन्तु > हिंतुः > हिंदु > हिंदू > means that is killed / kills, destroyed / destroys.
The प्राण / चेतना vector (देवता) in the seed (संस्कृत 'सद्' > 'सीदति') / बीजाक्षर suggests that the Cosmic Energy / Consciousness when acts through this > मन्त्र-शब्द / 'mantra-shabda' aims at the total annihilation of the object it is associated with.
But at the same time, because हिंदुत्व / Hindutva itself is a myth, and this myth by being given the name of 'religion' / 'faith' was purposefully put at par with other such myths like Islam, Jew-ism, Catholicism and Christianity by people politically motivated, was doomed to meet its destiny.
Like they claim 'Sanskrit' is a dead language, they also insist that हिंदुत्व / Hindutva is a dead religion. I fully endorse this view.
Because हिंदुत्व / Hindutva is / was a myth, an adjunct (उपाधि-सत्ता) in the Vedanta-parlance, which has a formal and apparent existence with a view for practical use, it is never born nor dies.
As वेदांत declares :
न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचन नायं भूत्वा
सनातन / वैदिक धर्म which is neither a myth nor a 'religion' or 'faith' but is ever so immortal, eternal spirit (अध्यात्म) / Spirituality.
हिंदुत्व / Hindutva on the other hand has to die, simply because it had a 'birth' in time / space.
हिंदुत्व / Hindutva is but a concept and though could become a 'faith' of few, has no essence or substance that could overcome 'death', apparent or virtual.
नव-वत्सरे /
विक्रम संवत् 2073
के स्वागत में
॥ पण्डितश्चपञ्चाङम् ॥
पञ्चाङ्गेभ्यो पंडितो पूर्णो उडुवः इव दीव्यते ।
औडवषाडवौ लब्ध्वा संपूर्णत्वमर्हति ।।1
षडाननो च तथैवो सः लोके जगति संसृते ।
अपि संपूर्णतायामसौ द्वितीयो स्कन्द भूतले ॥2
पञ्चाङ्ग के साथ ही पण्डित पूर्ण पंडित होता है, (और पञ्चाङ्ग भी उससे) और तब वह नक्षत्र की तरह प्रकाशमान होकर चमकता है ।
इस प्रकार नक्षत्र-स्वरूप होकर षाडव तथा संपूर्णता को भी पा लेता है ।
(संगीत में पाँच स्वरोंयुक्त राग को औडव, छः स्वरों युक्त को षाडव तथा सात स्वरों से युक्त को संपूर्ण कहा जाता है ।)
और सम्पूर्णता में तो वह मानों इस भूतल पर द्वितीय स्कन्दतुल्य ही होता है ।
|| paṇḍitaścapañcāṅam ||
pañcāṅgebhyo paṃḍito pūrṇo uḍuvaḥ iva dīvyate |
auḍavaṣāḍavau labdhvā saṃpūrṇatvamarhat ||1
ṣaḍānano ca tathaivo saḥ loke jagati saṃsṛte |
api saṃpūrṇatāyāmasau dvitīyo skanda bhūtale ||2
Meaning :
The almanac (panchAnga in Sanskrit) makes a pandit a true pandit.
Thus having perfection over the 5 senses (of speech, sound / hearing, sight, smell, and touch / taste), He shines like a star in the sky.
Then mastery over the sixth (intellect) and the seventh sense (intelligence), He attains perfection ultimate.
Note :
In Sanskrit ‘udu’ means star,
auḍava means a rAga in Indian Classical Music, that has 5 different kinds of notes,
ṣāḍava means a rAga in Indian Classical Music that has 6 different kinds of notes,
Like-wise, saṃpūrṇameans a rAga that has all the 7 different kinds of notes (cdefgab)