Sharing here :
A Whatsapp Message received from a friend.
Two friends, both busy on their mobiles one reading a book, and another busy with his mobile were chatting.
The One busy with the mobile asked to the other :
Who died in the end?
The first replied :
The battery !
This evoked in me the following lines :
प्राणाश्च चेतना चापि न नश्यन्ते न च जायन्ते
पञ्चभूतात्मकं जगदपि को ततः मृत्युमानोऽत्र।।
Then this came to mind :
न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचन
नाऽयं भूत्वाऽभविता च भूयः।
अजो नित्यो शाश्वतमयं पुराणः
न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे।।
And in the end another stanza of Kabir :
मन मरे माया मरे मर मर गए शरीर।
आशा तृष्णा ना मरी कह गए दास कबीर।।
अथ फलश्रुति:
No one dies!
Death is but a thought that keeps on appearing and disappearing moment to moment, and even it is in a way,
Immortal Deathless!
Be Happy here, now and always, for Death exists not!!