Sunday, 22 October 2023

Action of the Mind.

मनुस्मृति / ManusmRti


Could the mind transcend itself? 

First one needs to understand what is The Mind. 

Before Understanding  "What is The Mind, it is to be seen :

What is Understanding itself.

ManusmRti / मनुस्मृति is a text.

There is a sense and a meaning also.

How the sense is the same and also different in another way? 

The following screenshot may be of use to Understanding this :


Saturday, 7 October 2023

Another Approach

To Meditation :

The Anamolous nature of Mind. 

Yesterday I posted 


Someone 'liked' and commented :

"This is a new thought."

"True!" I replied.

To me, there could be yet another way :

In normal way when we meditate, it is really only the mind itself that "tries" to meditate.

It is like a machine in working mode when you try to effect a change in its working. Like changing a gear while driving. 

There is yet another way when you switch off the ignition, stop the car and  repair it in the stationary mode.


Is somewhat like this, when the mind is in the stationary mode.

Another example is when you try to fix some fault in the electric system. First you switch off it make the changes and then again restart.

This is the real problem in real time, when one / the mind works upon itself.

Hope this example may help.


Monday, 2 October 2023

I am asked :

"What details of your life could you pay more attention to?"


This daily prompt forced me to give the answer and instantaneously and spontaneously evoked the following response :

Totality in Essence.

Discovering, Finding out, Understanding, Practicing, and following the Essence of The Dharma.

And quick came the response from within :

तव - ते चिह्नम्।।

Just as the Sanskrit word  धर्म  though has a meaning and essence and could not be translated into any language,

The above aphorism too could not be likewise translated into any language what-so-ever spoken by man.

The same however took form in its expression and manifested in many ways through human perceptions.

तव - ते - चिह्नम्।।

Was what I was told in answer.

And I carefully listened to the same, without bringing in my memory and knowledge acquired through external information whatever.

Now the simple and straightforward meaning of the aphorism.

तव - ते in Sanskrit are the 4th and 6th declensions - respectively.

The dative and conjunctive cases of the pronoun :

युष्मद्  / You.

Meaning : For you, of you.

Looking attentively I could see how the same words that I heard in my heart could be uttered like : 

ताओ ते चिङ्,

Tao Te Ching,

Or Tao de Ching

According to the perceptions and the disposition of the listener.

This was what happened in the morning when I woke up at around 03:04 a.m.

§ Compare : The article the in English, De, Da, Des, in the German and other languages. 
