"What details of your life could you pay more attention to?"
This daily prompt forced me to give the answer and instantaneously and spontaneously evoked the following response :
Totality in Essence.
Discovering, Finding out, Understanding, Practicing, and following the Essence of The Dharma.
And quick came the response from within :
तव - ते चिह्नम्।।
Just as the Sanskrit word धर्म though has a meaning and essence and could not be translated into any language,
The above aphorism too could not be likewise translated into any language what-so-ever spoken by man.
The same however took form in its expression and manifested in many ways through human perceptions.
तव - ते - चिह्नम्।।
Was what I was told in answer.
And I carefully listened to the same, without bringing in my memory and knowledge acquired through external information whatever.
Now the simple and straightforward meaning of the aphorism.
तव - ते in Sanskrit are the 4th and 6th declensions - respectively.
The dative and conjunctive cases of the pronoun :
युष्मद् / You.
Meaning : For you, of you.
Looking attentively I could see how the same words that I heard in my heart could be uttered like :
ताओ ते चिङ्,
Tao Te Ching,
Or Tao de Ching
According to the perceptions and the disposition of the listener.
This was what happened in the morning when I woke up at around 03:04 a.m.
§ Compare : The article the in English, De, Da, Des, in the German and other languages.