Thursday, 28 December 2023

The three Beginnings

प्रस्थानत्रयी / The Beginning.


The Three Questions :

Who / What motivates you?

Who / What inspires you?

Who / What activates you? 

And the three answers respectively :

The Ignorance, - The Inertia, 

The Knowledge - The Memory,

The Intelligence - The Wisdom.

In a single aphorism as pointed out in the Gita :

प्रकृतिस्त्वां नियोक्ष्यति ।।

Your innate Nature itself will prompt into action.


Again, a verse from the Gita :

अज्ञश्चाश्रद्दधानश्च संशयात्मा विनश्यति।।

नायं लोकोऽस्ति न परो न सुखं संशयात्मनः।।

The essential nature, groping in the dark of ignorance, with no foundation or the support any, full of conflict and doubt, seeks to find out the answer.

The Nature (प्रकृति / Prakriti) itself is the covered under itself in the very dark of itself - तमसाच्छन्नं - as is described in the : nAsadIya sUktaM / नासदीय सूक्तम्, as if in a tunnel, ridden with ignorance, lacking support any, afflicted with doubt, tries to overcome them all and to rest within its own eternal timeless bliss and peace.

"Who" denotes the Conscious presence; - the sentient Purusha.

"What" denotes the inert and insentient Prakriti.

The individual is but the Real "Who" has thear two aspects only.


Friday, 15 December 2023

The Sense of Time.

The God Of  TIME. 


।।ॐ नमो कालभैरवाय।।

"kAlabhairava" / कालभैरव"

Is the divine form of  TIME, Who is the Divine Lord of that mental time, which is experienced by anyone during all of the three states of mind, namely the waking, the dream and the deep dreamless sleep.


When the earlier post was viewed by some, I was told this topic of  TIME-MANAGEMENT is relevant and of great importance in these times and I can see, but I want to write about another aspect of TIME and how on one hand we can though MANAGE TIME, the Truth is that it is indeed the TIMEWHO governs all that happens in the world at any place, and we are not only the instruments or the tools in HIS hands, but only perform our actions as is prompted and controlled by HIM.

I had this another idea. as said in the earlier post, there is a time that seems to be fixed, does not move, immovable and another, that appears to be moving. And because of this, we tend to think we can somehow control and manage TIME in our Time-frame. Of course, certainly we can plan and chart out a provisional TIME-TABLE and try to implement also the same, we can in no way be sure if the things happen according to our expectations.

Once this point is grasped and is understood, we look at TIME as an individual conscious Reality and realize TIME is not any material objective but has an independent existence of itself as a Conscious Reality

We can also see the Reality is again a Single Whole, Indivisible and Unique Truth, devoid of parts with relation to one-another.

The Vedantika term used to denote this is : ब्रह्मन् / The Brahman.

ब्रह्मसूत्र / brahmasUtra explains how TIME  / or काल is ब्रह्मन् !

Every individual accepts and prompted by the inherent idea also believes this as true and it hardly occurs to him that this very idea may be a totally wrong a perception of what the Reality might be.

Though the Ultimate Reality may be the  ब्रह्मन् / Brahman, TIME as such exists at the three levels, namely :

AdhyAtmika, आध्यात्मिक, Adhidaivika आधिदैविक  and Adhibhautika - आधिभौतिक.

TIME experienced by the individual in the waking state is a kind of material Reality - Adhibhautika / आधिभौतिक .

TIME experienced by the individual during the dream-state is of the mental kind -   Adhidaivika / आधिदैविक, 

While the TIME experienced by the individual during the deep dreamless sleep where enjoys peace and kind of happiness and remembers also the same when he wakes up from sleep, is of the spiritual kind -

Adhyatmika आध्यात्मिक

Therefore it's quite acceptable and correct too that though one can manage the TIME that is perceived by anyone while one is waking, how could one think of and manage the TIME that one experiences during one's mental dream-state and during the deep dreamless sleep?

Maybe, one could set an alarm and expect to get up at the time, the alarm alerts as is set by him before going to sleep.

Still the Uncertainty prevails all the time!

।। इति श्री कालभैरव माहात्म्यम् ।।


भगवान् कालभैरव / Lord kAlabhairav bestow happiness, peace and bliss upon all! 


Thursday, 14 December 2023


The Universe. 


The Sense of Being an individual is so natural and spontaneous, all the time and always everyone is a subject to this sense, however hardly one consciously pays attention to this obvious Reality available to all. Just because it is not so easy to identify the point where-from this sense emerges out and how it is related with this world where one finds oneself in a spur of the moment.

Isn't this true that the moment and the idea of an objective world emerge out together and simultaneously in such a way that the two can't be differentiated from One-another?

So, there is a TIME, that is defined as the very present moment and yet the other that is thought of that keeps passing.

The very present moment is therefore a fixed point in the another that is said to keep on passing always.

Is'nt this division itself a consequence to the idea of TIME and an extension of the idea only?

This assumed Time is therefore but only a hypothetical one and the The sense of being an individual is also likewise an idea, and both of these two emerge out from the Underlying Principle that is consciousness or the state of being conscious only?

Again, could the above two, namely the "state of being" that is reflected as the "Sense I'm" and "being conscious" be distinguished from one another?

Therefore consciousness or being conscious alone is The Underlying Principle where-from and where-in the above two always simultaneously emerge out and re-merge into again. 

This implies that the Universe as is said to exist and is experienced too by an individual is also very much an individual one, though everyone without exception thinks that it is one and the same "world" for all.

That is How there exists number of so  many mutually distinct and multiple Universes always and ever so.

This day Physicists and scientists also think and speculate on these lines. They also do estimate the number of such so many in terms of  10^10^5 or something like this.

The Veda however describes this truth of the multiplicity of the individual beings and the Universe(s) in the following way:

अनन्तकोटि ब्रह्माण्डनायकराजाधिराजाय योगिराजायराजेश्वराय परमात्मने श्रीगुरवे नमः।।

The Time and the world as perceived by and experienced for each of this infinity of individual beings though  look distinct, individuad, different and very personal, The Underlying Reality undergoes no change at all.

Now let us talk about this individual in the individual Time in the World, that too appears one's own individual.

Time for such an individual exists as a Reality in the form of the objective, subjective or irrespective of the two kinds.

In one's own universe or the world that appears to everyone as very individual one, whosoever is a captive of Time, and thinks may somehow control or manage the same.

But the one who really is aware of the fact that this individual world and the Time one experiences in this assumed world exist only during the waking state and disappear altogether while one is in the dreaming state or is fast asleep in a dreamless state of the mind.

The existence of this objective world experienced during the waking state is therefore ambiguous. Only during our common waking states we do find it to exist as if it is always the same. And at the same time we all know and say this world is Changeful as well! 

How to reconcile the two contradicting experiences?

The truth is that the thread that joins all the three states of mind is but only the one that is the "The Sense of I'm, the same through, before and after all experiences that one goes through, be it of the waking state, the dream state or the state of deep dreamless sleep state of the mind."

I wish to stop this post here and shall write the next part in the next post.
