Wednesday, 12 May 2021

पानी केरा बुदबुदा!

संत कबीर का यह वचन विख्यात ही है। 

बुदबुदा अर्थात् वह जो पानी में कहीं से उठता है और सतह पर आने तक दिखलाई देता रहता है। सतह को पार करते करते ही खो जाता है। अकसर हर मनुष्य का मन (मानस) इसी प्रकार सतत प्रलाप करता रहता है। शायद इसे ही virtual bubble कहा जाता है। 

एक पत्रकार कहती हैं कि मोदीजी अपने ही बनाए virtual bubble में जीते हैं! 

ऐसे ही एक दूसरी सिने तारिका कहती हैं कि मोदीजी को शासन करना नहीं आता। इस पर एक और सिने तारिका अपने ही बारे में कहती हैं कि उसे अभिनय करना नहीं आता। 

संत कबीर को भी शायद पद, पद्य या कविता लिखना नहीं आता। कुछ ऐसा लिखना, जो विवादास्पद बन जाए यह लेखकीय स्वतंत्रता हो सकती है लेकिन इससे यह तो नहीं कह सकते कि आपको लिखना आता है। 

मुझे तो संशय होता है कि कहीं संत कबीर ने उपरोक्त वक्तव्य अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से (श्रीरामचरित) मानस के रचयिता के बारे में तो नहीं दिया था! वैसे तो मुझे यह भी ठीक से नहीं पता, कि क्या ये दोनों संत समकालीन थे, या एक ही आयु के थे, या कि दूसरे से कितने छोटे या बड़े थे!

सुबह ही लिखे पोस्ट को डिस्कार्ड करने का सोच रहा था तभी एक न्यूज़ पढ़ने में आई --

"प्रधानमन्त्री गुलाबी चश्मे को उतारकर देखें..."

बक़ौल केरल (वायनाड) के सांसद!

तब सोचा इसे एक दो दिन बना रहने दूँ!



Tuesday, 23 March 2021


Forgetfulness / Amnesia.

When he knew that past had nothing to give to him, his attention slowly began to withdraw from (his) past. Till yesterday he had believed the past is something that really existed in time. 

Yesterday only the past in terms of time and also in terms of memory, started fading away fast.

He had no idea.

This was quite unexpected.

Suddenly he could no more recognize the people around, and the things and the situations he was surrounded by.

His wife was utterly shocked.

Couldn't believe her eyes.

He became silent. Not dumb.  

He would try to say something but could say only in gestures.

The son and daughter were with him. 

They too were having their own spouses and families. And yet kept looking after him carefully.

When the past was gone and the memory was

blank,  he seemed to watch in vacuum.

Only he knew he could see in distant future. 

Not exactly the future, because like past, the future  was also made of if of so many parts, 

in terms of  time, and in terms of events as well. 

And as he failed to recognize the past,  the people, and the events of the past,  just in the same way he failed again in recognizing the people, and the events that he could watch but couldn't connect a common cord through them.

After a very long time that was much harder to go through for his family, he could finally come to senses. The future started fading away and he could relate the life in now, in the present, in this very moment. 

He needed to recuperate.

And he had the urge, the help and the love of, and for his family that he was again his normal self. But like a child he had to learn the new regime and discipline of life from the very beginning.


Saturday, 20 March 2021

How to flow / fly?

Mind, my mind, and me. 


The Bermuda Triangle points out to an interesting analogy.

There is such a Classical and a practical approach as well.

This is about, how to do the "Self-Enquiry".

Though the word "enquiry" and "inquiry" may sound and give a bit different meaning to many, some may prefer the first while others may like to use the next.


" Self-Enquiry" consists in investigating into the truth (Reality) of "The Self" or even "the self".

In comparison to the Bermuda Triangle, the Bermuda Triangle refers to a geographical place on Earth, where ships and aeroplanes etc. seem to have lost and couldn't be easily traced. 

This looks like the same, when the triangle in terms of  :

Mind, me (I), and  my mind,

is enquired into.

So,  "Self-Enquiry" turns into a proverbial 

"Wisdom of folly",


"Folly of Wisdom", 

According to one's disposition  (wisdom).

Saying "my mind" itself is the very cause behind this apparent contradiction (Paradox) that one falls into most often.

When one carefully and attentively looks at this, is at once released from this trap.


Let us see,  when one says "my mind", 

Could the mind really refer to itself by saying so?

Obviously, the one who says 

"my mind" 

is himself not the mind, which he refers to.

He is not the mind, he is pointing out to. 

There is this essential contradiction in what is said and what is intended.

The pointer is not the pointed out.

Neither what is the pointed out, is the pointer.

(I admit, this is a bit clumsy!).

But here ends the paradox and this apparent contradiction is thus eliminated. 



The Koan / Conundrum.

The Rebel Physicist :

Angelo Bassi.

(New York Times 20-06-2020)


I was not surprised while going through this piece.

At one end I was / am a student of Science (Physics / Chemistry), I also studied Veda and the Oriental texts of Dharma and Yoga (the six schools of Wisdom / Darshana).

I think these streams of knowledge have transcended the relative knowledge pertaining to the present-day Science, Mathematics, Psychology, Medicine and even Astronomy.

So, we can't hope to cross-over the limits of the present-day progress of Science unless and until we study and understand these sacred texts of the East.

I often relate those various 'ideas' in my many posts in many blogs (all on e-blogger only).

But now I do realize that everyone's role as assigned to him by the Providence is limited. There could be so many known and unknown causes and reasons how one performs his role

As I never worked for, nor worried about earning a livelihood, till date all my work took place accordingly. Initially, I had to work for some 12 years and then quit. 

I could say that was also the part of my destined role. 

But writing blogs is kind of hobby for me. 

Without thinking of reward or gain, profit or any worldly recognition in whatever way. 

I feel a bit happy when no one cares for what I write. I thank them all! 



Sunday, 21 February 2021


कभी कभी सोचता हूँ कि जीवन में :

राजनीति में उतर जाना अधिक अच्छा है, 

या राजनीति पर उतर आना?


Saturday, 20 February 2021

प्रश्न और प्रश्न



प्रश्न : 


क्या सभ्य समाज में किसी अपराध के लिए 'मृत्यु-दंड' का स्थान होना सकता है?

प्रतिप्रश्न :


क्या सभ्य समाज में किसी अपराध के होने की संभावना होती है? 
