Monday, 19 September 2016

Etymology : कुन्त / Count

कुन्त > kunta > spears कुन्तल > kuntala with spears > कौन्त > kaunta > those wielding spears कौन्तेय > kaunteya > कुन्तीपुत्र / कुन्तः sons of kuntī, the queen of Pandu / kuntīputra / kuntaḥ > country > A political state owned by a people with spears.> count > a dignitary > county > a part of a country.

Sunday, 18 September 2016


Walking through the incomprehensible and inexplicable states of mind, when the memory and the recognition of the world is left as if erased, and the identity of oneself in the world is also temporarily suspended, you are not lost. The different time-frames are but overlapping glass-panes that slide over one-another with no stable or fixed images in them. Though shadows and figures also keep changing with utmost harmony all the time, you just laugh at them, as if you have come across a Salvador Dali's painting...


Walking through the incomprehensible and inexplicable states of mind, when the memory and the recognition of the world is left as if erased, and the identity of oneself in the world is also temporarily suspended, you are not lost. The different time-frames are but overlapping glass-panes that slide over one-another with no stable or fixed images in them. Though shadows and figures also keep changing with utmost harmony all the time, you just laugh at them, as if you have come across a Salvador Dali's painting...

Wednesday, 14 September 2016


संस्कृत > saṃskṛta > √ग्रस् > √gras > to gobble, to chew / to cud > 
grass (noun) > to graze (verb),√चर् > √car > √चर्व > √carv > चरना > caranā >  पशुचर > paśucara > pasture / pastor, चबाना > cabānā > chaff, to chaff (cut the grass) √गॄ > निगरणे > gṛ > nigaraṇe 
> गृणं / गृणनं > gṛṇaṃ / gṛṇanaṃ > green .>  हृ > हरित > > hṛ > harita > hārita  > horti-(culture)

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Sanskrit connection

See what I discovered : 
A Sanskrit connection !
सं-अधि > समाधि > सेमेटरी > saṃ-adhi > samādhi > semeṭarī cemetery
उप-प्र-लः > उत्-प्र-लः> बफेलो > upa-pra-laḥ > ut-pra-laḥ> baphelo > buffalo > (क्रमेलकः > क्रमे-लकः> क्रमे-ल-कः > krame-lakaḥ> krame-la-kaḥ > camel
अष्टि शक्नो विन्द् , अष्टि शक्नो (विद्) > aṣṭi śakno vind, aṣṭi śakno (vid)
> Oceti Saknowin
> व्योम > vyoma
, व्योमिङ्ग, व्योमिङ्ग, > Vyoming, मन्थन > मोन्टाना, manthana
> मोन्टाना > Montana,
कन्स, kansa > Cansas
, सनदीयन् ,sanadīyan
, सनत्-ईयन् > sanat-īyan
> कैनडियन् > Canadian, and see at least half a dozen more such words which have a meaning in Sanskrit, but just now going through the text!!

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

The Beginning of 'Life'.

The Beginning of 'Life'
भू / जन् इन धातुओं से बने शब्द 'be' 'gen' संयुक्त होकर 'begin' का रूप ग्रहण किया । 
इसी प्रकार 'ली > लयति / लयते'  तथा .... इव > iva > if से  'live' / 'leaf' / 'leaves'/ 'leafs' बने ।  
लीय-इव > līya-iva > live, leave, > निमग्न, विलीनप्राय, that leaves form, that dissolves, alloy > of metals, aluminium, lay > allay, lie (to lie-down), lie (to hide the reality), elope (Sanskrit 'avalopa') with, to run away with.
गो > go > cow > cows > calves, goat, 
> गोवत्स > govatsa > calf, > calves, 
> this 'f' was not there in the Greek where from Latin and English originated. This 'f' meaning 'flower' came into Latin as a symbol and was accepted as a character later on. So, this 'f' in 'life' could not be silent. It is always vocative.  