The Beginning of 'Life'
भू / जन् इन धातुओं से बने शब्द 'be' 'gen' संयुक्त होकर 'begin' का रूप ग्रहण किया ।
इसी प्रकार 'ली > लयति / लयते' तथा .... इव > iva > if से 'live' / 'leaf' / 'leaves'/ 'leafs' बने ।
लीय-इव > līya-iva > live, leave, > निमग्न, विलीनप्राय, that leaves form, that dissolves, alloy > of metals, aluminium, lay > allay, lie (to lie-down), lie (to hide the reality), elope (Sanskrit 'avalopa') with, to run away with.
गो > go > cow > cows > calves, goat,
> गोवत्स > govatsa > calf, > calves,
> this 'f' was not there in the Greek where from Latin and English originated. This 'f' meaning 'flower' came into Latin as a symbol and was accepted as a character later on. So, this 'f' in 'life' could not be silent. It is always vocative.